Arc Two Chapter 1

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The last couple of months run through my mind as I heave in the school toilet during English class. It's been about two months since the eventful training camp at Nekoma. With the proper medication back in my system and the support of my teammates my health actually improved for a while. I had about four weeks of peace in which my symptoms were all minimal. Just when I began to hope maybe this was my new normal my body proved me wrong as it always does. The confusing thing is rather than a flare up of POTS or PPPD like I was expecting I got sick. Like normal person sick. Or so I thought. After a few days of staying home from uncharacteristic vomiting I went to the doctor. He diagnosed me with the stomach bug, prescribed me antibiotics and sent me on my way. Two weeks later when I was still heaving up everything I ate I started to think maybe this was my POTS or PPPD after all. I'm usually very good at avoiding vomiting but maybe a flare of PPPD nausea has thrown me for a loop. So that's what I tell myself as I flush the toilet and wipe my mouth. It's now been four weeks since the flare started and it's really getting annoying at this point. It doesn't matter how much Zofran is in my system, the nausea persists.

I exit the stall and wash my hands, already feeling the nausea return. I walk back to class solemnly already dreading lunch next period. As I slide into my English classroom I try to think what I can keep down for lunch. My mind's coming up empty.
English stretches on until finally the bell rings releasing us for lunch. I make my way to the cafeteria running into Tadashi and Hinata on the way.

"Hiya Tsukki!" Hinata exclaims.

"Don't call me that," I grumble.

"Aww don't be so uptight Tsukki," Yamaguchi pitches in jovially.

I roll my eyes as we set our stuff down at the table claimed by the boy's volleyball team.

"So, how was English?" Yamaguchi asks as the three of us make our way to the food line.

"Boring," I state.

In reality I have no idea how English was because I spent most of the class throwing up in the boys bathroom but I don't feel the need to bother Yamaguchi with the information. This flare will pass in a few weeks so there's no sense wasting my time explaining the entire situation to Yamaguchi let alone the whole team.

I pile a small amount of bland white rice onto my plate and make my way back to the table. When I sit down most of the team has already begun digging into their own meals. I stare at my plate. The small pile of rice looks like an insurmountable summit to me. I can already feel my stomach turning at the thought of eating it.

My Gastroenterologists words echo through my mind, "I'd rather you eat and immediately throw it up than not eat at all"

With his words ringing in my ears I pick up my fork and start methodically scooping rice into my mouth. I try my best to keep up with the conversation at the table but I'm preoccupied with my food. After only a couple of bites I feel completely full but I force myself to keep eating. Once I choke down the last bite I grimace. The feeling of the food sitting in my stomach weighs me down.

As lunch comes to an end the team says their goodbyes then starts making their way to their next classes. I take a deep breath and brace myself for the rest of the day to come.

A/N: Short and uneventful chapter. Sorry bout that! Had to make sure everything was set up for the rest of the story! The next chapter should be posted in the next couple days and that will have some action!

Chronically Ill TsukkiWhere stories live. Discover now