Chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update. I was on vacation for a week then I got sick (more sick than usual I mean) so I didn't really have the time or energy to write but I'm back! Thank you so much for all of the recent support! Votes, comments, and follows all mean so much to me! I love all of y'all so much!

Trigger warnings: Nausea, mentions of vomit, very small mention of blood 

Tsukki POV:

Today is the day we leave for training camp so I wake up bright and early to get ready. When I sit up from bed the world spins. I feel a little faint and when I clip on my pulse oximeter I notice that my heart rate is a bit high. I reach over to my bedside table and grab the bottle of salt tablets. I dry swallow two tablets then slowly stand up. I walk over to my dresser and slip on the anti-nausea bands that reside on top of it. I'm careful to place the bead directly three fingers down from my hand centered on the inside of my wrist. I'm going to need the bands to be working at full strength in order to get me to Tokyo without vomiting. I'm doing everything I can to try and keep my motion sickness to a minimum. I add a dramamine to my normal morning meds in preparation for the bus ride then swallow them all down. After getting dressed and grabbing a bland breakfast I check my packing list to make sure that I have all of the medical supplies I will need for the weekend.

Medical packing list

All my pill bottles (Daily and as needed)

Pill organizer

Anti-nausea bracelets

Fidget toys

Stress ball

Chew necklace

TONS of Gatorade

Salt tablets

Collapsible cane

Compression socks

Pulse Oximeter

Life alert

Medical ID

Portable shower chair

Heating pad

Snappable ice packs

Weighted blanket

Thick gloves

Noise-canceling headphones

Wireless headphones

Medical face mask

Once I am done double and triple-checking that I packed everything on the list I grab my bags (One for medical supplies and one for the rest of my stuff) and start walking to school. Since I left the house earlier than I usually do Yamaguchi and I don't cross paths. Eventually, I arrive at school completely out of breath from my POTS.

"HI TSUKKI!!" Hinata shouts when I join the collection of team members that have arrived already

"I...told call me...that," I pant

"You good bro?" Tanaka asks

I nod my head and wave him off. He shrugs and goes back to talking with Ennoshita. I sit down on the sidewalk and pull my pulse oximeter out of my bag. I check my heart rate and it comes out around 140bpm. Definitely high. I lay down and prop my legs up on my bag. After a few minutes, my heart rate drops back to a reasonable level so I slowly sit up and pull a Gatorade out of my bag. When I look around I notice that the rest of the team has now arrived at the school. Just as I'm about to ask when the bus is scheduled to get here I see it turning the corner. I gather up my stuff and slowly stand up from the sidewalk. I only get some mild dizziness from this movement which I take as a good sign. When the bus opens its doors the team floods onto it. I choose a window seat towards the front of the bus since these seats are usually the best for my motion sickness. The bus is large enough that no one needs to sit directly next to anyone, so the seat next to me is empty except for my bag. Across the aisle also sitting at a window is Asahi. Once everyone has found their seats, Takeda takes attendance then the bus starts off to Tokyo. After only about five minutes of movement, my head starts to feel fuzzy. The feeling only intensifies over time until it is joined by an uncomfortable sensation in the back of my throat. I begin to breathe deeply in through my nose and out through my mouth but my nausea only increases with every bump of the bus. It comes over me in waves and it doesn't take long before it renders me nonfunctional. When this happens literally all I can do is focus on not throwing up. It's one of the worst feelings in the world but I've had PPPD for so long that I've mastered the art of suppressing my vomit. I won't throw up unless I want to and I certainly don't want to pull a Hinata.

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