Chapter 10

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A/N: First off, this chapter contains tics.The tics will be written like *this*. Vocal tics will be like *"this"*. I also wanted to give a quick reminder that if you ever need to skip a chapter because of the trigger warning just leave a comment and I'll give you a trigger-free summary asap. Be safe out there kids!

TW: Swearing, seizure, dissociation, tics, tic attack, use of the word s*lf-h*rm, coprolalia, medication

I wake to the sound of rummaging around me. When I sit up I see a few of the Karasuno team members already getting ready for the day. I try to rub the sleep out of my eyes but the heavy feeling of my eyelids doesn't fade. Ugh. I hate fatigue.

"Good morning Tsukki!" Yamaguchi chirps

"Morning", I respond in a half-hearted manner

    I reach for my medications and pop my morning pills, dry swallowing them in one gulp. I'm not really supposed to do that since I have a past with accidentally aspirating pills but I don't care. I don't feel like giving a shit today. I pull on my shirt while still sitting then slowly stand to put on the rest of my clothes. Once I'm dressed Yamaguchi and I walk to the dining hall for some quick breakfast before our first practice game of the day. I'm relieved to notice that Kuroo isn't in the dining hall when I walk in. Yams and I quickly grab some fruit and pastries from the buffet table then sit down to eat them. I don't feel nauseous yet so I take advantage and eat as much food as my body wants.

As I'm eating I realize that something is off. My nervous system doesn't feel right. It's a feeling impossible to explain to someone without a neurological disorder but you can just tell something is wrong. I think back to taking my medications this morning and I remember taking all of the ones I have with me so it must not be related to medication. In that case, there is nothing I can do about it.

    "Ready to go?" Yams asks

    "Yeah" I respond and stand up.

I notice that Karasuno and Aoba Johsai members are standing up all over the dining hall. I check the clock and realize that our first practice game of the day is starting in 15 minutes. That explains it. I walk to the gym with the team and prepare for the game. My nervous system still feels wrong but sometimes this just happens without it being followed by any symptoms. All I can do is wait it out.

    When everyone is warmed up and ready to go we start the practice game. I'm not playing as well as I usually do. The state of my nervous system is really getting to me. I wave down Daichi and point to the side of the court. Thankfully, he immediately gets the message and calls for the ref.

    "Substitution please!"

    I walk over to the side of the court and tag in Narita taking the substitution plaque from him in the process. I walk over to Coach Ukai and hand him the plaque.

    "You alright?" he asks quietly

    "I don't know."

    "Sit", he says simply

    I nod and take a seat on the bench. I'm glad he didn't push me for information I didn't have. A few points pass with me sitting and watching until eventually, I realize I don't remember the last point being scored. I'm dissociating. That can only mean one thing. I snap my fingers in the direction of Yamaguchi. He gets the message and quickly moves to crouch in front of me.

    "What's up?", he asks

    "I'm going to have a seizure", I respond

    "I need you to cover for me."

    "Oh, um, yeah alright"

    He looks around then calls for Suga.

    "Hey! Sugawara. Tsukki wants to talk to you"

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