Chapter 9

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A/N: oopsie. It's been well over a month since I've updated. I know you're not interested in excuses so I'm not going to give you any but just know that I did have a good reason for taking so long. I don't want to make you wait anymore so I'm going to just go ahead and jump right into it.

TW: mild language, food/eating, mention of food restriction, dizziness, nausea, mention of vomit, mention of eating disorder, mentions of weight and calories

Tsukki POV:

I walk into the gym with the rest of the team and am greeted by the sight of Kuroo and the rest of Nekoma already warming up for our practice game. When Kuroo notices us walking in, he jogs over to greet me.

"Yo Tsukkishima, what's up?" he says with a grin

"Nothing," I respond.

Kuroo narrows his eyes at me and tilts his head to the side.

"Are you sick dude?" he asks

I panic. How could he possibly know? Who told him? Do I look pale or something?

"No, why?" is all I can manage to get out through my panic

"Well you're wearing a mask so I assumed you're sick," he responds

Of course! I'm still wearing my mask from the bus. He assumes I've got a cold or something. Thank god.

"Oh, right. I just like wearing masks on buses since everyone is so close together," I lie as I remove my mask and shove it in my practice bag

"I never thought you were so much of a germaphobe."

I shrug

"Whatever," he says as he moves on to greet other members of the team

I continue walking towards the bench and sit down to slip on my knee pads and change my shoes. By the time I look up again the rest of the team has started walking over to the bench as well. They all put their bags down and start preparing for the practice game. I stand up to start stretching and when I do a wave of dizziness washes over me. I blink my eyes a few times but my vision isn't going black so I know it's not POTS. In that case, there is nothing I can do about it so I continue walking to the court and start stretching. The longer I stretch and warm up with the team the worse my dizziness gets but I have a high dizziness tolerance so I don't say anything. After three years of near-constant dizziness, my dizziness has to be really intense to make me deviate from my day-to-day life. What would be considered an 8/10 for most people would only be a 3/10 on my dizziness scale.

Once everyone is done warming up we start the practice game against Nekoma. They take the first set but we respond by winning the second. We are now 15-18 in the third set. Karasuno is up by three points and my dizziness is not enjoying following the ball with my eyes for receives and blocks. Karasuno scores the next point which makes it my turn to go to the back row. When I turn around to start walking to the back row I completely lose my balance and fall over.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi exclaims.

He tries to run over to me but Suga stops him.

"You can't go on the court without being subbed in. Let Daichi handle it."

I'm still sitting on the floor trying to collect myself. I hear Suga's words but I don't fully understand them. When my dizziness gets this bad it's usually accompanied by significant brain fog but when Daichi kneels down next to me I suddenly remember where I am. I look around at the team standing in a loose circle, giving me space. I see Nekoma on the other side of the net watching with concern on their faces.

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