Chapter 3

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*At practice that same day*

Tsukki POV as always:

We started out with some stretching before running a few laps around the court for warm-up. By the time I was done with my laps I was completely out of breath and my vision was beginning to spot. I walked over to my water bottle and sat down hard. I blinked my eyes hard a few times as I squeezed some water into my mouth. When I open my eyes Daichi is standing above me.

"Are you alright," he asks.

"yeah, why wouldn't I be"

"You just looked a little dazed after those laps. I wanted to make sure you weren't sick or something"

Hearing the word sick leave his mouth makes my body tense

"I'm fine," I say as I stand up.

I stumble as soon as I say it and Daichi catches me. I straighten up quickly and rush off to join the others by the net.

"fuck," I think to myself.

"he totally saw that"

Daichi POV:

I stare at Tsukkishima as he runs towards the net. Something's not right with him. He's always had poor stamina but it's gotten worse over the last few weeks. He's also seemed tired and pale like he's sick or something. Not to mention that just now he almost fell over trying to stand up. That's unlike Tsukkishima. He's usually so poised. I put my hand to my chin in thought as I call for Suga.

"Suga! Come here!" I shout from across the gym.

Suga isn't technically my vice-captain but there is an unspoken agreement among the team that he is second in command and no one complains.

"Coming" he calls and starts jogging in my direction.

I start to think of how I should phrase this. I don't want to come off as overbearing or nosey. But then again, this is Suga. Overbearing mom is kinda his personality.

"What's up" Suga says, snapping me out of my thoughts

"I'm not quite sure. Maybe nothing but- have you noticed anything weird about Tsukkishima lately?"

"Actually yeah. I was going to ask you if you knew what was up but clearly, you don't if you're asking me," Suga replied

"I'm just worried about him. I think he might be sick. There's no sense in him pushing through a cold right now. We don't have any big games coming up so he's better off resting then coming back to practice when he's better," I state.

"Are you thinking about sending him home?"

"I don't know, maybe. What do you think I should do?" I ask

"I would give him another day. Let's see if he decides to stay home on his own. Tsukkishima's not exactly the kind of guy who you can order around easily"

"Alright, but let's keep an eye on him."

Suga nods, "right. Back to practice?"

I smile and start to bark out instructions for the next exercise.

*time skip*

Tsukki POV:

I made it through the entire practice without falling, fainting, or getting sent home so I guess I'm calling that a win. After practice Yams insists on walking me all the way back to my house to make sure that I don't faint on the way. Despite the fact that I've never fainted Yams and my brother are exceptionally cautious. As much as I pretend like it annoys me, I love them for it. Once I'm home I immediately collapse on my bed to take a nap. I'm absolutely exhausted from a long day of existing. Just as I'm about to close my eyes I remember that I just finished practice and should probably shower before settling in. I sigh and pull myself out of bed collecting a change of clothes on the way to the bathroom. Once I start the water I make sure that everything I'll need is within reach when sitting in my shower chair. I don't have any extra energy to expend straining to reach my shampoo and I certainly can't stand in the shower today. That might as well be a death sentence considering I haven't dropped below a 7/10 dizziness all day. I finish my seated shower as quickly as possible then change into my pj's. Before I collapse on my bed I take my evening medicine just in case I sleep through till morning. By now my brain was so clouded by fatigue and dizziness that I didn't even take note of the fact that my pill organizer was empty...

A/N: Tiny Cliff Hanger! I'm still kind of figuring out where this story is going so bear with me. Also, I'm sorry that the end of this chapter is kind of dull. I wanted to finish out the day but nothing really interesting happens until the next day so stay tuned I guess.

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