Chapter 6

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Trigger warnings for this chapter: mentions of tic attacks and paralysis episodes, seizures

*time skip 2 days (it's now Friday)*

Tsukki POV:

The last few days have come and gone without any complications. I've had a few more paralysis episodes and a tic attack here and there but they have all happened at home so I haven't had any trouble with the team. My talk with Suga earlier this week has convinced me to tell the team about my health issues at some point but I still don't feel ready. What if it tell everyone then they won't let me go to the training camp? No. I can't do it yet. For now, I'm okay with just Yams and Suga knowing. Speaking of Suga...

"Hey Tsukki! What's up?" Suga asks as he walks past me into the gym.

"Nothing, just thinking," I reply as I follow him in.

I set my Gatorade bottle down next to Suga's water bottle then walk over to the huddle starting to form around Ukai. I sit down on the floor by Yamaguchi just as the coach starts to talk. It's just the usual pre-practice stuff for the most part with a little bit about the training camp mixed in. We're leaving tomorrow so Ukai is lecturing us about not being late and having the permission slip signed. I'm never late and I already turned in my signed permission slip so I start to tune Ukai out after a while. While zoned out my eyelids start to feel heavy but not in a tired sort of way, more of an oncoming seizure sort of way. I've always been pretty good at pushing away my seizures so as soon as I recognize the feeling in my eyes I focus on keeping them open. That usually helps keep my seizures at bay but it seems I'm out of practice because no matter how hard I fight to keep my eyes open wide the heavy feeling still grows. Suddenly my eyes get fixed on a point on the wall and I can't seem to break the stare. By this point, I know there is no avoiding it. I'm going to have a seizure. Just as this thought crosses my mind I feel my body go slack.

Yams POV:

I was busy listening to Ukai talk about details for this weekend's training camp when Tsukki suddenly slumps over backward next to me. His body makes a thump sound as it hits the floor which draws the attention of the entire team. They all turn to look at Tsukki and when they do looks of panic cross their faces.

"Oh my god!" Noya screamed

"Gah what's wrong with Tsukki!" Hinata yelled

General chatter breaks out among the team before Daichi shuts it down with a loud whistle

"GIVE HIM SPACE," Ukai hollers while trying to make his way through the crowd of teenage boys. Instead of backing away like the rest of the team Suga and I both rush forward towards Tsukki's limp body. As soon as I reach him I run a hand behind his head to check for blood or bumps. It didn't sound like he hit his head on the floor based on the sound of his impact but it's important to check. Just as I suspected, no blood or bumps.

"Is this one of his seizures?" Suga asks me.

Tsukki told me that Suga knew about his health problems now but it still caught me by surprise to hear Suga say that, "yeah"

Apparently, Ukai had managed to make his way through the crowd because I hear him ask "He has seizures?" In an astonished tone.

I ignore his question so that I can tend to Tsukki.

"Hey Tsukki, it's Yamaguchi. You didn't hit your head on the way down so no need to worry"

Despite what it looks like Tsukki maintains awareness during his seizures. This means that he can understand everything I'm saying. He can't move his body, open his eyes or speak but his processing speed remains intact. He can feel and hear everything happening around him.

"I'm not sure if this is still something that helps but I'm going to go ahead and touch your face and arm."

Back when we were in middle school having people rub his arms or pat his face would help Tsukki come out of his seizures faster. The tactile stimulation would help get his brain back on track. I figured logically that would still help him, so I go ahead and start patting his cheek with my right hand while I rub his arm with my left.

"Alright, now all we can do is wait," I declare to the onlookers

"What is-" someone starts to say

"I'm not going to answer any questions. Tsukki can answer them when he's done seizing. For now, just know that he is safe and everything will be alright"

After a few more seconds, I see Tsukki's eyes open, "ah, you're back."

Tsukki grunts in reply and starts to push himself back up to a sitting position rubbing his eyes as he does so.

"Thanks Tadashi. And yes, touch still helps"

Tsukki has always been quick to recover from seizures so I'm not surprised by the clarity of his speech.

"No problem but uhhh I think you have some explaining to do," I say pointing towards our awe-struck teammates. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's certainly not my best work but it gets the story across. Also, just so y'all are aware my family pet died this morning so it will probably be a while until my next upload as I take the time to grieve. I hope you understand. Make sure that you eat something, drink some water and take your meds! I'm sending love to all you beautiful souls out there! 

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