Chapter 1

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Tsukki POV:

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I roll over and smash my alarm clock before opening my eyes. As soon as they're open I know I'm in for a long day. My head feels fuzzy and muddled like 100 butterflies are flying circles inside my skull. My stomach is already turning at the sensation. There's nothing quite like waking up dizzy and nauseous.

I groan and slowly sit up. As soon as I start moving the feeling in my head worsens. I clamp my eyes shut and wait for the worst of it to pass. After a few seconds, I open them back up and reach for my pill organizer. I keep it right on my bedside table along with a million other random medical things. I pop my morning pills making sure to add in a Zofran to the usual line up, slip on my anti-nausea bands, then clip my pulse-ox to my index finger before standing up. As soon as I'm upright spots fill my vision and I grab onto the bedside table for support. Once my vision clears I glance at the pulse-ox. The screen reads 131 bpm.

"Great," I say with an eye roll

It's only 7 am and I'm already well into the 100s. That's never a good sign but I can't dwell on it now so I continue on with my morning. I make sure to put compression socks on rather than my usual uniform socks and I grab a Gatorade on the way out the door. Even if my POTS is kicking my ass this morning I'm not willing to go down without a fight. After all, I'm still trying to keep the rest of the team from finding out. Yamaguchi knows of course. He's been my best friend since childhood. Even through my worst days, he's been at my side. Actually, now that I mention him...

"TSUKKI!" Yams calls as he comes running down a side street to join me on our walk to school.


"How was your morning?"


He studies my face for a moment before asking, "Are you sure? You look a little pale. Is your POTS flaring today?"

I sigh, "how are you so good at reading me?"

"I've known you for seven years silly! Of course, I can tell when you're not feeling good."

I roll my eyes and Yams giggles.

We continue walking to school while I sip on my Gatorade and make small talk. The Zofran seems to of kicked in so hopefully, I'll be able to have lunch today since I didn't have breakfast. I know my brother will probably get on my case for skipping breakfast but there was no way I would have been able to keep anything but Gatorade down. As we walk through the gates of the school the warning bell rings signaling that we only have five minutes to get to class before school starts.

"we should probably get going. I'll see you later," I say as I start to walk towards my class.

"Alright! See you later!" Yams calls as I walk off to face another miserable day.

A/N: Hey! What do we think so far? I'd love to see your feedback in the comments! I'm going to be revealing Tsukki's illnesses one by one as they come up naturally because with don't want to force anything so for now all you get to know about is POTS. I'll include some info on POTS in the next chapter so you don't have to go through the trouble of googling it. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying it so far! 

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