Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*time skip to after school *

Tsukki POV:

Once the final bell rings I make my way to the club room. I have to stop at the top of the stairs to catch my breath and that pisses me off. I remember when I used to be able to run miles before getting winded but my god damn POTS has absolutely wrecked my stamina. Now I can't even walk upstairs without being breathless on bad days.

I hear footsteps at the bottom of the stairs so I turn and walk towards the club room. When I step inside I'm greeted by the stench of teenage boys and freshly washed uniforms. The club room is as chaotic as it always is before afternoon practice. Daichi is lecturing Tanaka and Noya about something stupid they did on their way to practice, Hinata and Kagayama are arguing over who made it in the club room first, and the other boys are all getting changed into practice clothes. I walk to my locker and begin to change.

Unfortunately, I can't wear my compression socks at practice without people noticing because of how tall they are. They would be in plain sight with me wearing my shorts. So I peel them off and toss them in my locker. I'd love to take my pulse right now and make sure it's not too high before I even start practice but I don't want to risk one of the boys seeing my pulse-ox so I just suck it up and hope for the best. I don't want any of my teammates to find out about my health problems.

In middle school, everyone knew me as the sick kid and treated me like I was a glass figure that could break at any moment. I hated being pitied by my teachers but it was even worse coming from my peers. The Captain of my middle school Volleyball team wouldn't let me play for months after my diagnosis and even after I finally convinced him to let me on the court again he barely ever subbed me in for more than five minutes. When I asked why he said he "didn't want to push it". I hated that sentence more than I was ever able to put it into words. He just assumed my capability level without even asking me. It was like I was a child, incapable of realizing my own limits. After that volleyball wasn't the same. I spent all my time on the bench with those words echoing in my brain, "I didn't want to push it". Well jokes on him because I can push it. Harder than he ever thought imaginable. Here at Karasano, no one knows I'm sick except Yamaguchi and I plan on keeping it that way. If no one knows, no one can hurt me. If no one knows, I'm just a normal kid, and god, I want to be a normal kid so bad.

A/N: Sorry about the short chapter! I wanted to get a little background out of the way before continuing. To make up for it I'll try to post again really soon.

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