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Have you ever heard "The Beginning of Time" by DJ Nate? That's what I'm listening to right now, and it's one of my favorite songs of all time. It's just so... You just have to listen to it for yourself.

And without further ado I bring you this chapter.
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They tried making it to the hospital as fast as they possibly could. EXE was gone and it was the perfect time to sneek to the hospital. A police investigation went on about a week ago, (LoL) but all of the officers died due to "Unknown circumstances". So basically they were hiding the fact that EXE killed them. They didn't want the media to go out of control and jump to conclusions. They didn't want that. Tails was the first to get into the hospital, hoping that Sonic obeyed his orders. He ran to the room where EXE was in and ran to the file. He picked up the other piece of the file. But just when he picked it up, he heard a dashing sound. Sonic. No, EXE. Tails slammed the door shut (but quietly) and locked it. "HIDE!" He yell-whispered to them. They obeyed and hid. Knuckles hid behind a door, Amy hud behind some boxes, and Tails hid IN a box. But what Tails didn't know that there was a needle in the box. It pierced his leg, causing him to bleed. Alot. Tails tried not to yelp in pain, but it was to hard. He was bleeding, Alot. Tails tried not to, but he ended up passing out due to blood loss. (Cheesy I know). He saw black for what seemed like only seconds. But then woke up on Amy's couch. With the file on the table.



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