Hide and Seek

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BUT I'VE GOT A BLANK SAVE BABY!!! AND I- Oh um... Akward. Anyway, this one took a little thinking to make. Took awhile to write, too. In fact, my username was supposed to be XTheWriter, but it was already taken. XTheAuthor works just as well, though. Anyway, I bring you this chapter.
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The room grew cold as Sonic's presence was no longer there. Tails felt a shiver go down his spine. He walked into the living room and saw the duo tied up in the sticky red goop. He got scissors from the kitchen and cut them out. "Where did EXE go?" Knuckles asked. "That was Sonic. But he'll be EXE again soon. Quick! Let's get to the hospital while we still have time!!!", "What do you me-", " Just do it!!!" And like that, the treo got into the abandoned car and drove to the abandoned hospital.


"Huh? Where am I?" Sonic said, puzzled.

"Your in MY world."

"What? Who said that?" Sonic said, looking around.

"I'll tell you who said that. GOD said that. I am God."

"What? No your not!!! Your Satan none the less, your the one that is controlling me and hurting all of these innocent people!!! And my friends!!!!!!" Sonic said, with anger.

"No. You are! I'm you, and your me! We're tye SAME PERSON!"

"NO WE ARE NOT!!!! WERE FAR FROM IT!! YOUR HURTING MY FRIENDS!!! I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!" Sonic yelled with extreme anger.

"What difference does it make? I'm still controlling you! Might as well ENJOY it! How about this, sense we're permanently stuck to each other, let's play a game!"

".... What kind of game?" Sonic asked with both curiosity and anger.


But before Sonic could say anything, EXE's blood-red eyes had disappeared out of sight in the black land they were trapped in. It was just a black, dark landscape. Nothing but black in every direction. Dark. Sonic felt somthing hit him in the back of the head, causing him to fall over.


Sonic was being kicked and punched all around. This wasn't heaven.

It was the sheer opposite.

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Later! Seya in the next chapter!

Sonic and Tails: FOuNd yOuWhere stories live. Discover now