Chapter 1 Wanting To Be Free

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The clock on the wall was ticking

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The clock on the wall was ticking. It felt like it was ticking slowly. Thomas sighed as he watched the clock slowly move its hand. He just wanted the day to end, so he could leave the class. He looked around, as the teacher was still going on and on about physics, and Thomas couldn't be anymore bored. Minutes went by, and it was almost time for Thomas, and the rest of the students to leave. So, to save him time when the bell rings, he started to pack his stuff in his bag early. Ramming in the giant textbook, followed by the homework he probably is going to forget about, the bell rang shortly after. "Don't forget kids!" The teacher yelled out as all the kids started to jump out of their seats. The teacher seemed mad that everyone was just in a hurry to get out. "Tomorrow we learn more about physics, and steam contraptions!" He yelled.

Thomas scoffed. 'Like I'd want to learn about myself...' He said to himself. Tomorrow they're supposed to do a science experiment with steam pressure. With a little history on steam locomotives. But Thomas feels uncomfortable about that, for one specific reason. He isn't sure what many people would do if they see his true form. He had already gotten his belongings and headed out of the door into the hallway. All the other students of Pearson Middle were walking together with their friends, talking and chatting, and just overall happy for the school day to be over. Thomas sighed, looking at all of them. He has no friends. Well, that's a lie. He has one friend. Only one, mostly because he doesn't try anymore. There are a few students that make fun of the clothes he wears. Especially when he was at a young age. Thomas has a pink undershirt, underneath a thin blue coat. The blue is an azure blue, and right in the middle of the coat, is a shocking yellow number one, with a red outline around it. all around the shirt, are some red stripes and lines. He has multiple of the same clothes, and if he can't wear the same one more than once, he just gets one of the same.

There's a reason he does this. He must keep on wearing the same clothes. It's important, or so his father tells him. It is risks he has to take when he changes his clothes for PE.

As he was walking down the hallway, to get to the door, he saw another group of friends. The popular one.

Mei, Priya, Miriam, Abby, and Tyler.

Thomas has always wanted to be friends with them. Because one of the friends in this group has a problem similar to his own. He minded his own business and walked past them. But as he was just about to go by, he noticed that Mei was having fun with her friends. Some ears popped up on her head, then they disappeared in a flash, then appeared a tail. After that too disappeared and she turned into the giant red panda she always loves to turn into. All of her friends were just giggling away with her. Thomas paid no attention after that, and opened the door at the entrance of the school, then walked down the steps onto the path that connects to the main street. He doesn't take the school bus and walks home. He could take the tram since he loves trains, but he would much rather walk. He usually walks home with his only friend, but his friend was nowhere to be seen.

Thomas sighed. "I guess he went home early."

So, Thomas realized that he was going to walk home by himself. Thomas only sees his friend on the walk to and from school. He comes over to hang out at times, but they have no class together. And Thomas has no friends during the school day. It's just him and his thoughts at lunch because his friend's class has a different lunchtime. "I wish Carter was here. This is boring to walk home alone..." Carter was very quiet, and... So is Thomas. Mostly because Thomas is shy, and Carter just chooses to be quiet. Thomas reached into his neighborhood and came up to the corner where his house is on. He looked at the midsized house. "Hm? Is Dad home?" He asked himself. The small blue car that his dad owns, wasn't parked outside. He walked through the lawn, because he didn't feel like walking around the winding path, then up to the door.

His dad usually leaves the door open at this time, so, he went to grab the knob.

But as soon as Thomas leaned forward to open the door, the door opened. "AHH!" Thomas yelled as he fell over, and then slammed on top of someone familiar. He opened his eyes, then blinked as he saw Carter looking up at him. "C-Carter?" Thomas asked as he got up. "Cinders and ashes, I'm sorry I slammed on top of you." He said. "It's fine," Carter said as Thomas helped him up. "So... what are you doing here?"

Carter brushed himself off. "I left early because I had to see my doctor. So when I came back, I wanted to hang out with you, since we didn't get to walk together. When I arrived, you weren't home yet. Your dad had to go do something, so he offered that I could stay here and wait for you," He said. Thomas smiled. "Well, I'm glad we get to hang out,"

Carter returned the smile. "You got that new game for your PlayStation2?" He asked. Thomas nodded. "Yep!"


Thomas and Carter were busy playing the game that Thomas got from his dad. It was a two-player game, and Carter was just beating the hell out of poor Thomas. "Ugh, what the!" Thomas grunted. Carter just softly smiled. A smirk even. Carter came back, then slammed the staff into Thomas, and his character went flying.

"This isn't fare," Thomas said. Thomas was going to, well, try to make a comeback at Carter, but the level they were on, was in a train yard for some reason. Then, a giant steam locomotive came thundering down the track.

Thomas got distracted and turned to look at it.

"Hey, pay attention!" Carter said as he slapped Thomas with the magical weapon in the game. "H-Huh? Oh sorry..." Thomas gasped as he regained focus. Thomas felt like Carter was watching him, so he looked at him. "Huh? W-What is it?" He asked him. "When are you gonna tell everyone your secret?" He asked. Thomas blinked. Well, the subject changed rather quickly. Carter was the only one who knows about Thomas's weird behavior. Thomas looked down, but then he felt Carter put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, if Mei can come out with her Panda power, you can with your power."

Thomas sighed. He felt like it was more complicated than that. "Carter... I'm worried about what could happen..." He said. "About what? Who cares if you can change into a steam locomotive? People will love it, I'm sure,"

But that wasn't the reason. There was something Thomas never told Carter. "Remember when Mei gave her speech..." Thomas started. Carter tilted his head. But then, he quickly nodded. "Wait, oh yeah, I remember. What about it?"

"Remember how she said she had to channel her emotions?"

Carter nodded. "Yep. What... are you getting at with that?"

"Well, I'm the same way. I channeled my emotions so much, that I ended up being able to never change again. If I slip once, I might lose all control again." Thomas said. Carter arched an eyebrow. "Again?"

Thomas closed his eyes. "One time, when I was younger... I accidentally turned into the tank engine. I... crushed everyone who was around me, because I was this big, giant blue E2 class tank engine." He looked at Carter. "Since then, I tried and tried to never, ever  change into the steam engine again. Because I don't want to hurt you, or anyone else ever again."

The look on Carter's face, was just a look of sadness. He felt bad for Thomas.

Thomas just sighed. "I can't risk something like that. I was never great at keeping the engine in. Mei can keep her Panda in whenever she wants, but at least her panda isn't over 50 tons, and can damage everything around her."

Carter hugged Thomas. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that. How... you never told me?"

"I... was afraid you'd get scared of me," Thomas said.

"I'd never be scared of you, you're my best friend," Carter said with a soft smile.

Thomas just smiled warmly at Carter's words. "Ok.... this is getting too sappy..." Carter said with a smile, as he let go of Thomas, and picked up his controller. Thomas just chuckled. "I'm definitely going to win this time."

"Only in your dreams tank engine," Carter said with a smirk.

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