JackSepticEye X Reader: Presentable Liberty

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Watch Jack's Let's Play of Presentable Liberty first before reading, if you haven't watched it


Jack felt alone, even if it was a simple game. It was really different, this game... The atmosphere, the simplicity, and deep meaning of the game. Words-they really do bring out a connection between someone and another thing, even if one was purely fiction. Those letters, were the only thing he could hold on to, just to keep himself sane. He couldn't reply back, he could only watch the chaos happen through words.

To Jack, Charlotte always represented his long distance girlfriend (Y/n). She was back at her hometown (or country) and sometimes it stressed him out. Sometimes when she was busy with work and college and couldn't reply to Jack's texts, he always assumed that something bad had happened to her. Something... scarring.

He couldn't assume that she would be dead if she didn't reply. Jack would be always denying, even if it turns him insane...

Sometimes he thought that he was alone most of the time, with no one to talk to but his audience. Jack had no one to talk to in his apartment, no one to keep him company. He wanted to see (y/n) so bad. He missed her (e/c) eyes, her beautiful (long/short) (h/c) hair, and how she would always smile when he's around, which was sadly, rare. He knew that all of that can be taken away in the blink of an eye. And he probably wouldn't even know. He could just be sending texts to a dead person who wouldn't be replying...

"What the fuck." Jack said to keep himself thinking straight, and not to be gloomy and sad. Just like Happy Buddy, stay happy for the sake of the two. He just wanted to be with Salvadore and Charlotte, even though the world was in the state of destruction. At least he won't be dying alone in a cell. But after finding out that the said cell was actually an elevator, and he finally went out of the prison, it was the first thing he saw.

"Charlotte's Delicious Pastries"

He was so near, it was right across the prison. He could've ran to her, and assure her that indeed, she is not alone.

After reading Charlotte's final letter, Jack had to take a breather. He needed to text (y/n), right now. There will be a day she will be gone... And it won't be temporary.

Hey (y/n), just finished recording something. You free to talk?

Jack sent the message, and after a few minutes she didn't reply. No seenzone or whatever of that matter. He had to send another to make sure.

(Y/n)... Come on I wanna talk to you for once :)

Now Jack was worried. She didn't seenzone it, she didn't reply.

But soon Jack heard his doorbell, and he went to get it. Now he was really, really worried. He was on the verge of gagging by the thought of...that.

But when he opened the door he was relieved yet shocked. His own girlfriend was standing in front of him, smiling as if she pulled a prank on him or something.

"Well, are you going to let me in or not?"


Okay, one question, who cried like a little bubble blowing baby when you watched Presentable Liberty? (either Mark's or Jack's, but I watched Jack's mostly)

It had such a good storyline! I love those kind of games. Also, sorry if this is short, I wasn't in the mood for writing (as always) because of the damn game xD but I hope you enjoyed the one shot!

Thank you for reading!

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