93: X-plete

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[ExpleteTo perform fully; to carry out, accomplish.]

Somehow another week went by, and August was coming to a close.

Proteus got adjusted to life at the mansion, at least for the first week, fairly well. No incidents to speak of.

Storm...well, she was down about her garden for a while, but then she rallied and just set about fixing it. She also said she appreciated that they helped her with it. In fact, that just trying to do something instead of talking about it mattered more to her anyway.

The others had some room to breathe, thankfully--though it was doubtful things would stay quiet for long.

Kurt, having given the matter careful consideration, decided he was supposed to stay longer. The X-men would have missed him, they thought.

Actually, he said he'd been convinced partially by Angel, of all things.

"There is a clear need for mutants to heal," he said. "I vish to be part of it.... Vould it be all right if I talked to him? Does anyone know vhere to find him?"

"Xavier could find out," Shine said. "You should."

"After vhat you told him, I thought you said you didn't care if he came back," Kurt said.

"I don't," Shine said. "But if you do, I'm no one to stand in your way. You should go. Perhaps God will use you to move him."

Kurt smiled.

"You know, even vhen she is angry herself, Fraulein Shine vould never tell anyone to do  something vrong," he said to Logan. "It is easy to see vhy she has gained all of your respect."

"It's the darnedest thing," Logan said. "When they got here in June, we all didn't like it, and no one would have dreamed of takin' orders from 'em...and now even the Professor takes their suggestions seriously. How did that happen? Heck, even Cyclops has started to come around.... Workin' on that Cajun."

"I vill tell you, Herr Logan, it is favor," Kurt said, "like Joseph vhen he vas in Egypt. No matter vhere he vas, he vas put in charge of it, over time, as a trustvorthy person. It is just the vay of Gott."

"Makes it sound like we didn't have a choice," Logan said.

"I have a sense that you didn't," Kurt said. "You chose vhether to submit to it villingly and treat them fairly, but of them becoming important? I do not think ve choose this. It is God who determines this."

"Well, God could throw some of that favor our way," Logan said. "Get some traction for Mutants."

"This is already happened," Kurt said. "Just vait, you vill see soon enough. More change than you realize has happened. But even one person changing vould be vorth it. It is a miracle, is it not?"

Logan shrugged.

"I vill go after that poor man," Kurt returned to the other subject. "Should I take anyone vith me?"

"Rogue was the one he trusted the most before," Logan said. "Take her. Could be siblin' bondin' thing."

He meant this to be kind of a snide joke, but Kurt took it seriously. "Ja, that is vise."

Rogue agreed, surprisingly.

"I was mad enough to spit over it, but now that I've cooled off, maybe I shouldn't judge him too much," she said. "It could have been me, after all. I figure I helped make this situation a thing, so I'll help ya, but, Kurt, I ain't good at preachin'. Barely good at listenin'."

"It is quite all right, Sister. I only vish to talk to him and see if he is open," Kurt said. "It is a shame to quit things this vay...not that I didn't fully agree vith Sister Shine telling him vhat she did. Ve cannot receive help if we are refusing it to others like that."

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