77: X-campment

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While all this was going on at the mansion and in the city, Jubilee had been having...quite an interesting time at camp.

When they arrived Friday morning, the car ride had felt kind of grueling. Some of the kids got carsick, and they had to pull over and rest for a bit.

Their counselor, who's name, Jubilee found out, was Nancy, was patient with them, but then she took a wrong turn on the route, and they had to backtrack.

Caleb was one of the ones who got carsick and seemed out of it.

Tony and Trinity were fine. They were going stir crazy though.

Jubilee was all right, of course. Driving with the X-men was way worse. She even tried to help Nancy find the right route. She'd had to navigate with Hank before.

Nancy said she was a dear.

Finally they arrived at camp and met up with the group who'd be sharing their cabin, once they'd gotten their wristbands. Everyone had to wear these the whole week so they knew who was at the camp. They split the kids up into blue, green, purple and yellow groups.

They'd be playing games to win prizes, the others told Jubilee.

The other group of kids had their male counselor with them. There had to be a male and female for each group. Actually, there had to be two for this many kids, so he had an assistant from his church. The boys got one cabin, and the girls got another...and they were NOT allowed anywhere near each other.

"Glad I don't have to see my sister for a whole weekend," Caleb said snarkily.

"I'm just as glad as you are," Nancy sassed him back. "You can bother Terry for a few days."

Terry was the male counselor, the older one.

They had to walk a mile, it felt like, to get to their cabin (it was really more like 1/8 of a mile). 

There were three more girls with the other group, who introduced themselves as Candi, Tracey, and Leah. Tracey and Leah were not very talkative, but Candi was a regular chatterbox.

Jubilee was introduced as Jewels by all her friends, and it was on her registration too, so no one thought her name was odd.

Still, being around so many kids her own age felt weird.

After they got their things to the cabin, there was a flagpole welcoming ceremony around the fire pit, which would be used that evening.

"Come on, ladies, let's go," Nancy said, impatiently checking her watch. "We can finish unpacking later. We don't want to miss the ceremony."

They grabbed their water bottles and headed out.

"So what do they do at the ceremony?" Jubilee asked.

"They'll have some prayer and announcements," Trinity said. "And maybe some singing, and they'll tell us what games we'll be doing. I hope we play capture the flag."

"I bet it'll have a theme though," Brittney said. "Last year it was standing strong for our faith, so everything was about that. We built forts on rocks and sand."

"More like sandy dirt," Trinity said. "But whatever."

"What's the theme again?" Jubilee hadn't really paid attention to the brochure.

"Oh, it's...uh..." Brittney faltered.

Trinity pulled out hers. "'One For All: God's love is for everyone.' Hey, that's perfect."

"Cool," Brittney said. "Well, who knows what we'll do...? I want to ride the zipline during free time though, tomorrow."

"Zipline?" Jubilee said.

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