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The trio remained awake after that, Connor and Murphy having a thousand questions for Victoria about her dream. Or, the memory that came to her as a dream. After she had woken up, Victoria was far too focused on waking up the boys to even process that she had remembered what had happened to her the night she was attacked. But now, the three of them sat on the twin's bed together, a nearby lamp the only source of light in the apartment.

"Are ye sure this wasn't just a dream?" Connor asked, pulling the blanket over Victoria's bare legs.

She nodded, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sure. He told me it was a warning."

"A warning?" Murphy asked, leaning towards her with anticipation.

Victoria considered not telling them, out of fear that they would blame themselves. But, the threat of the man coming back for her sat at the forefront of her mind, and she knew she couldn't protect herself.

"A warning for the Saints." She replied, watching them both closely for their reactions.

Both boys felt as if they hearts were being torn out of their chests. They had suspected that the attack had been because of them, and now they knew for sure. She was in danger as a direct result of their work.

"He said he would be back for me." Victoria continued, making Connor and Murphy look at her with shocked expressions.

"We need to find this fucker." Murphy said to Connor, feeling the rage begin flowing through him.

"We're going to." Connor assured his brother, reaching out and squeezing the back of his neck. "Can ye tell us anything else about this man, love?"

The man's face was now ingrained in her mind; his expression as he hit her, the blood on his fists, his smile before he knocked her out.

"Ivor." She said, her voice quiet.

The boys looked at each other, realization slowly spreading across their faces.

"Let's go." Murphy suddenly said, jumping off the bed.

"Murph, no." Connor protested, grabbing his brother's wrist. "We need to plan this out."

"Fuck planning, I'm gonna fuckin' kill him! Look what he did to her!" Murphy shouted, his voice cracking as he pointed at Victoria.

Victoria quickly got to her feet, and standing on the bed, she wrapped her arms around Murphy's neck tightly. She felt him tense before finally relaxing and wrapping his arms around her waist, burying his head in the crook of her neck. He breathed in the scent of her hair, the softness of it against his face. It brought a sense of calm over him, which was battling his need to kill the man who had hurt her. Connor got to his feet next to Murphy, and placed his hand on his upper back comfortingly. He felt the same anger as his brother, but knew he needed to be the one to stay level headed.

"We're gonna get this guy. Make him wish he'd never been born." Connor said, his voice deadly serious. His tone made Victoria feel a mix of fear and attraction towards him; it confused her slightly, but she was just relieved the twins weren't running out the front door, guns blazing.

Victoria reached one arm out and pulled Connor into the hug, the three of them standing there, their foreheads pressed together. She wanted them to know so badly that she didn't blame them for her attack, that nothing could make her not grateful that they were in her life.

"Let's get some more sleep." She whispered before pulling back and releasing them from her hug.

They watched her sit back down on the bed, both quickly realizing she wanted to lay with them. They happily obliged, crawling back into bed next to her.

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