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A few days after the wedding, Connor and Murphy had returned to undertaking small hits on less important mafia members. The jobs were relatively quick, and didn't make Victoria as nervous, especially in comparison to the hit at the Grand Hotel. They wouldn't even get home that late, usually.

On this night, the boys were getting ready to take out a smaller crime boss that they had been tipped off about. Like she always did, Victoria watched them prepare from the comfort of the twin's bed. She always stayed in their bed while they were out, so she would know as soon as they walked back in the front door. They each kissed her on the cheek to say goodbye, and headed out into the night. Once they were gone, Victoria laid in bed, under the covers, watching TV. She eventually had a shower and got changed into one of the boy's t-shirts, so she would be ready for a night's sleep.

It was around midnight when she woke up to the door handle rattling. In her sleepy stupor, she got to her feet to open it, thinking the boys had lost their key. It had happened in the past. She quickly opened the door, excited to see their faces, but was instead met with someone completely unfamiliar. It was a very large man, with a bald head and a dark goatee. He had a scar down the right side of his face, and a double chin. Victoria backed away from him, feeling her heart immediately begin pounding.

"W-who are you?" She stammered, unable to control how scared she sounded.

The man walked towards her, an expression of pure anger on his face. Without a word, he reached forward and grabbed a handful of her hair. Before she could react, he threw her to the ground and positioned himself on top of her, his large legs on either side of her small body.

"W-wait!" She begged, covering her face, not knowing what else to do.

"You tell your boyfriends that I'm here as a warning." He said, his Russian accent thick. Victoria instantly knew what this was about. "When they find you, if you're still alive, you tell them Ivor knows who they are."

"Still alive?" Victoria asked, her blood running cold.

She watched as Ivor raised a large fist in the air, and brought it down to her, connecting with her cheek. Pain felt like it radiated through her whole body with that one punch, but before she knew it, he began hitting her repeatedly. She could feel an odd warm sensation moving down her face, and she realized it was her own blood. Ivor grabbed her by the hair once again, and slammed the back of her head into the floor. Everything went black for a moment, before Victoria was pulled back into reality, her head pounding. Ivor got to his feet, allowing Victoria to breathe again for a short moment, before he began kicking at her stomach and chest. She was winded instantly, instinctively curling into a ball to protect herself.

Ivor bent down and looked her in the eye, his fists covered in blood. "I'll be back for you." He said with a sickening grin. He landed one last kick, his foot connecting with her chin this time, and everything went black.


"Can't believe we got that done so fast." Connor said to his brother as they got in their building's elevator. "Home by 1AM. Tor will be ecstatic."

"Aye. I hope she's gotten some sleep, though." Murphy agreed, feeling them both being carried to their floor.

"I doubt it." Connor said, feeling bad.

The elevator came to a halt and they stepped out. As they walked down the corridor, they both noticed the door to the apartment was ajar. Both feeling their stomachs drop, they bolted over and flung the door open. Laying in the middle of the room, bathed in the light of the TV, was Victoria. At least, it somewhat looked like her. She was covered in blood and curled up in a ball, looking smaller than ever.

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