chapter 14 ||

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«Are you okay best friend? You've been acting weird the last days" Jin questioned me as we were driving back from the store to get snacks for the drive home.

I sighed, not really knowing what to answer. It's been two days since I pretty much shut Jimin out, and it was kind of awkward. I didn't exactly have anywhere to go, as we were stuck in the same house.

He respected my space though, which means he understood he messed up. I was still angry, but I knew we had to talk eventually. "Yeah I'm fine, just.... Mood swings I guess" I answered.

Jin chuckled, "Your mood swings are pretty bad that's for sure, but they rarely last so long" he said back. "We'll I'm fine" I tried to convince him. It was pretty much impossible to lie to Jin, as he could always tell when I was lying.

"Whatever you say. But I am here if you need me" he smiled. I returned the smile, "I know." Just then my phone buzzed.

Text message from: Jeon Jungkook

JK: Are you free for practice tomorrow?

I sighed, kind of relieved. A good dance practice would be just what I need right now. I smiled before replying.

Me: Yes, for sure! Let's meet in the studio at 12- ish? :)

JK:Perfect, see ya!

I locked my phone. "Who was it?" Jin questioned.
"No one, just Jungkook" I simply said, before just continuing to look out the window.

"Uuuu, what did he want?" He teased. "Want you in his bed tonight? Or did he finally ask you out?" I turned to glare at him, he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I scoffed. "Just dance stuff" I answered.

"I'm so exited to see you guys dance together, it was so hot last year" Jin exclaimed as we pulled up to the cabin. I just chuckled before getting out the car and entering the house.

I nodded my head at Namjoon who was sitting on the couch. "What's up" I asked walking towards him. "Nothing much, just finished packing" he smiled. I returned the smile, about to say something back when Jimin came from the kitchen.

We got an awkward 2 second stare at each other before I looked away. "Uh- I should go pack too" I said before walking away quickly. I could hear Jimin sigh as I passed.

I walked into my room and closed the door. I leaned against it before taking a deep breath. You're fine, I said to myself before starting to gather my stuff.

As I was folding my clothes and putting them in my bag, I heard a knock on the door. "Come in if you must" I yelled back, expecting it to be Jin or Namjoon. The door opened, but I didn't turn to look.

I froze in my spot when I heard the voice. "Can we talk?" Jimin spoke softly. I closed my eyes, once again taking a deep breath. I continued what I was doing. "Is someone dying?"  I asked. "What? No—"

"Is the house on fire?" I continued, aggressively folding my clothes. "No Why would you even—". he stated before I cut him off once again.

"Then no we can't talk" I spat out turning towards him. He sighed in frustration, walking closer towards me. "Please, we can't do this forever." He said, standing directly in front of me now.

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