chapter 22 ||

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I froze in my spot not even knowing what to say. He walked closer and closed the door. "Aren't you gonna say hello?" He asked.

"Hi Jin" I mumbled. "Hello Y/N" he added. There was some awkwardness between us, and I hated it. "How did you know I was here?" I asked. "My mom told me you visited her. And she sort of convinced me to talk to you so... here I am" he smiled kind of awkwardly.

I smiled back and sat down on the floor. "Do you want to come sit with me?" I asked. "I think I'd like that.." he grinned.

He came over and sat down in front of me. We ended up  sitting in silence for a little while, before I decided to break it.

"I'm sorry" we both blurted out at the same time. We looked at each other surprised, before laughing a little bit. "I'd like to start...if that's okay" I said cautiously. He just nodded.

I sighed before speaking. "Where do I even begin....I can't even describe how sorry I am Jin, really. I never meant to hurt you, and I definitely didn't mean for any of this mess to happen either. I'm sorry I made Namjoon lie to you, and I...or I guess we, were just so scared of your reaction that we decided to hide it instead...I know it was stupid..." I started.

"It wasn't worth risking my friendship with you and I can't believe I did, I let my emotions get the best of me and yeah I don't know what more to say than I'm sorry and I don't know what I was thinking...i know sorry isn't enough but..." I finished. I sighed, looking at him.

He looked a bit sad, but he eventually met my eyes. "Say something, please" I whispered. He gently nodded, followed with a sigh. "I forgive you." My eyes widened, and I breathed out in relief.

"I guess I just, felt betrayed. It just made me question everything you know? Like times where you both said you couldn't hang out with me and then probably hooking up instead...and I just felt lied to for months. It just felt so painful in the moment but...I'm getting over it now" he gently spoke.

I almost started crying listening to him. "It was never my, or his, intention Jin please know that. We just didn't want you to be mad and just didn't think about the consequences of it...I can't believe how stupid we were" I told him.

He grabbed my hand and smiled. "I know I know, it's okay Y/N" he answered. "Does that mean I have my best friend back?" I asked looking at him.

He grinned. "Definitely" he exclaimed and gave me the biggest hug. I grabbed around him and squealed in joy. After pulling away, he spoke again.

"I do have a question though. Namjoon told me pretty much everything he knew, and also that you two like...actually liked each other. But now you're with Jungkook... so I guess I have to ask, you're not using Jungkook are you?" He nervously spoke.

I gave him a nervous look back. "I did like him yeah...but when I asked if he wanted to get serious he basically rejected me, sort of." I sighed and closed my eyes, before continuing. "After that situation and with you, Jungkook helped me so much. And I guess ...yeah In a way in the beginning I guess you could say I was using him..." I nervously chuckled.

Jin looked at me. "And now?" He asked hopeful. I smiled. "And now...I feel nothing but happiness when I'm with him. He helps me with everything, supports me and he just makes me feel...good. He also just gets straight to the point and answers all of my questions, and Jimin didn' was always something with him and Jungkook just gives me what I need." I finished while blushing.

"Oh my GOD FINALLY!!!" Jin yelled while clapping his hands together. "Can't believe it took you THIS long to realise how good he is!" He added. I chuckled and shrugged. "I am giving him a chance, decided I could now that I or whatever" I said. My mind started wandering again.

And then I thought of him.

"Have you uh..heard from him recently?Jimin I mean.." I mumbled. He shook his head with a frown. "No actually, not in a while...You?" I shook my head. We both just sat in silence for a while, starting to worry.

"Although...I do think I met his dad" I continued. Jin's mouth fell open. "HIS PARENTS ARE HOME?" He semi yelled out. I widened my eyes and shrugged. "I guess? What why?" I asked worried. He got up and paced around.

"Oh shit that can't be good" he whispered to himself while walking. I got up quickly. "Hello Earth to Jin?? What's up you're scaring me!" I yelled at him. He sighed before looking at me. "I can only tell you what I know, but I believe there is more to the story. I just know that they don't really get along, and that his parents are like super strict or something.."

Now my mouth was the one hanging open. "And???" I asked. "I've met them a couple of times...they aren't really interested in meeting his friends and..I guess they just aren't that nice? I'm not sure" he hesitated. I cursed.

"He will talk when he is ready. I texted him telling him I wanted to talk answer." He continued. I shook my head, being so confused and worried. I breathed out looking at Jin.

"Let's try not to think about it...he'll come around" I nodded in response. He walked closer to me with a grin. " would you feel about a double date tonight? Bowling?" He smirked. I gasped and grinned. "I'm in, I am so in!!!!" I said happily.

After texting the guys, Jin and I went to my house to get ready and slightly catch up after having missed each other for too long.


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