chapter 16 ||

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Weeks turned into months, and suddenly me and Jimin have been friends with benefits for 3 months. It's been great, and me, Jimin, Namjoon and Jin are closer than ever.

But lately, things have been somewhat confusing. Even though me and Jimin are good, the sex is amazing and all of that, this is starting to seem...pointless in a way.

It's become clear that he likes me, and I'm pretty sure I like him, but we just seem to be stuck here in the same "friend" faze. And it's starting to feel wrong, knowing the love we have for each other and the things we do aren't exactly something friends do. And of course, not telling Jin.

I had talked with Namjoon about this a few days ago, and he told me what I needed to hear to get the guts to say what I wanted to say to him.

"Hello?? Earth to Y/N?" I heard being said. "What?" I asked Jimin confused. He chuckled. "Think you spaced out, you basically missed half the movie" he laughed.

"Oh...oops" I awkwardly chuckled. He slightly frowned, and pulled me closer to him. He turned my head to face him. "Hey what's wrong? What's on your mind gorgeous?" He questioned. sounded so good coming from him. Not something you tell your friends though.

I sat up slightly. "We gotta talk." His eyes widened a little. "Okay.." he answered, as he paused the movie. He sat there a little nervous, waiting for what I had to say.

I sighed and took a deep breath. "Do you like me?" I asked simply. He looked taken aback by my question. After a few seconds he laughed. "Of course I do. Would I be laying here with you if I didn't? Or would I have sex would you if I didn't?" He smiled.

"No I mean, do you LIKE me?" I rephrased my question. He tilted his head slightly to the side, before looking nervous and uncomfortable.

"Oh...uh, I mean we have good sex—" he tried to say but I interrupted. "See that's my point" I snarled at him. He looked confused. "I mean come on Jimin, you know I like you and I know you like me! Isn't this pointless to you? I mean I have no idea what we are anymore! Friends? Cause I don't know any friends who talk like this to each other or look at at each other like this. Or even have sex! Or stare at each other across the room and... My god this is all pointless!" I yelled getting up from the bed, holding my hands across my face.

"Woah woah calm down. Where is this coming from? I thought we agreed on being friends with benefits??" He asked as he got up as well, coming closer.

"Yeah but we aren't anymore! Don't you get it? It's not that anymore when we both have feelings. And it's not fair we don't tell Jin about it! We either do something about these feelings and tell Jin or..." I paused, following with a sigh.

"Or what? End it? Take a break?" Cause doesn't that seem pointless too when none of us want to?" He questioned as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Answer my question. Do you want to do something about these feelings and tell Jin?" I asked staring into his eyes.

He shook his head, a confused and nervous look on his face. "Y/N I like you, I do and I like what we have together I just... I don't think it's a good idea to—" I cut him off with a chuckle.

I get tears in my eyes. "I actually don't need to hear the rest of that sentence I know what your going to" I softly mumbled with tears running down my face.

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