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"It isn't"


You looked at Micheal confusingly as he stared back with no expression.
No smile.
Is this what he looks like when he wasn't faking?
It was sort of unsettling..

He tilted his head back and let out a big sigh.
"Alright.. this could work.."

You reached for your phone but it wasn't there.

"I threw it out the window. I assumed there might be a tracking device.." Micheal told you calmly. You both sat in the car waiting for the other to say something.

It was pitch black outside except for the glowing motel sign.

"Are you betraying me?"
"No.. I'm thinking.."
"Do you remember that woman who I tied in Mires basement?" Micheal asked and you nodded. "You know I only did that to get Mire off my back about liking you right?"
"I figured"
You laughed a bit and saw a small smile form on his face.
"That woman wasn't just any random woman Y/n.."
"Who was she?" You asked curiously.

"She's here at this motel.. she'll explain everything"


You and Micheal walked into a room.

"This is the one"

Inside was a woman with long, thick blonde hair with red lipstick. She was wearing all black and had a deep eyeliner with blue eyes.

She's gorgeous..

"Hello Miss Y/n.. I've heard about you"

She had an accent.

"This is Miss Jasmine.." Micheal introduced.
"What does she have to do with Mire?"
"Honey.." The woman started laughing. "Come here.."

You gave Micheal a look and he shrugged.
You went over to the lady and she started playing with your hair.
Her red nails trailed along your neck.

"We've been trying to catch Mire for the longest time.. I even had Micheal here infiltrate to get him caught up.. and finally we have proof" She smiled as she looked at you.
"You're that proof Y/n.."

Your heart jumped a bit and you looked at Micheal who was biting his nail.

"So you were in the basement?"
"Yes it was torture" She groaned but then looked at Micheal. "What's with the face Mike? We've been planning this for awhile.."

Micheal didn't reply.

"Geez he's so tense.. he almost never smiles you know~ Such a stick in the mud.." She crossed her legs and then titled your chin up.
"Honey you've been crying, wanna tell me what happened? I feel like you need someone to talk to.. Micheal get out"

Micheal left the room, but he seemed like he had a lot on his mind anyway.
You knew better than to trust this woman whom you'd just met.
If she really was in that basement.. she'd have her reasons to hold a grudge but why Mire?
Was there more background than what you we're receiving?

"I know about the miscarriage.. and this ring. I assume Micheal doesn't know?"
She looked closely at the ring on your finger and you pulled away.
"Who are you?"

She smirked.

"I'm a friend of the family doctor. He's told me everything.. about Mire killing his parents, taking over the company.. abusing you.."
Your body stiffened.
"He's out of control isn't he? He can't even seem to sympathize with the fact you lost a baby.."

Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Where stories live. Discover now