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Still Mires POV

I laid your head in my lap as I scrolled through your phone.
It's not something I'd usually do since I let you have your privacy but I have a feeling somethings gonna happen.

It's a pain having to act like I don't care. Honestly do you really think I want you driving with that shithead Micheal?
I have a reason for everything I do darling..
It took everything in me not to snap when I found out Ivan had bruised your arm.

I rubbed my thumb on your lip as I kept scrolling.
A quiet laugh left my lips looking down at you.
There's no way you would've been pleased with what I did to your uniform but it's not like you go to that school anymore.

Plus I had to find some way to entertain myself!

I was about to massage your breasts again when a notification on your phone stopped me.

"Y/n? You there?"

"Oh she's here alright.." I couldn't help but laugh loudly.

Bren? This guy again?

My laughter seized at his next message.

"Listen.. so the plan is you sneak out whenever you can later tonight. Preferably as soon as possible. I'll pick you up and leave but you need to grab some evidence of Mire being a murderer okay?"

I couldn't help but raise my face in disgust at the message.
I grabbed your face roughly and you let out a light noise of displeasure.
"Well darling it seems your friend is talking about a plan.. did you want to go along with this?"

Of course you couldn't reply which annoyed me even more.
I replied to the message.

"I'll let you know when Mires asleep.. maybe around 12am?"

The sun was already setting and it was suppose to be below freezing tonight.

I'll get ready in a bit.. but first..

I grabbed the knife I used to cut your clothing and brought it to your cheek. I poked it into your skin and you moved your head away from the pain.
You wouldn't be waking up anytime soon so I wasn't worried.
"Stop moving darling~ or it'll scar, not that I mind.."

Just as I was about to carve my name in your cheek, your phone went off again.
It was from Gina.

"I'm so sorry about Ivan Y/n!! Really I am.. is there anyway we can meet tonight? All of us to talk?"

That's fucking annoying.. although this should work..

"Meet me outside the back of the house at 12:20 am"

I set the phone down and looked down at you. Your blouse was ripped open and I had cut your skirt, leaving you just in your underwear. You looked so peaceful as you slept.

"I love you.. but you put me through so much."
I kissed your lips.
"Tomorrow all our problems will be solved and we'll be far away from here.."
I intertwined my hand with yours.
"And it's all because of me~"


I threw the hood over my head.
I put on my black joggers and gloves. I tied the laces on my boots.
I was contemplating about grabbing the bunny mask but decided not too.

Eh.. that thing is creepy.

I texted Kea to be here around 1am.

He's really only good for cleaning up dead bodies.

I looked back as your sprawled body on the bed. I put a blanket over you.
You'll be grateful for the things I do for you one day.
Just for us to be together.

I even blocked my own number from your phone so that it could bring us closer together.

Now.. this is all that's left.

I grabbed my knife and looked at the time.

"12:05 am"

A smirked curled on my face as I looked in the mirror.

I twirled the knife in my hand waiting on the message.
"This is honestly too easy.. really.. why don't they understand Y/n is mine? And only mine? They just can't leave us alone can they?"

Once they're out the picture.. there's just Micheal but it'd be more difficult to get rid of him.

I'm sure it'll be fine as long as he doesn't make any moves on Y/n..

There's also that girl in the basement but that's none of my business.

The ding on your phone made me smile.

"I'm here.. did you drug his tea?"

"Yea, it was so scary but he didn't notice and he's knocked out. I'm on the way down"

I replied and began walking down the stairs after cutting off the light. It was cold so I wrapped your scarf around my neck and tucked it in my hood.

I made it to the back door and saw two car lights parked in the distance.

So Bren did come first.. or maybe my siblings?

I slowly crept around some trees.
I was doing this for you.
Otherwise, I would just be a plain killer now wouldn't I?
You're the only one I love.
You're the only one who understands.
We're meant for each other.
And I'll do anything to make sure that happens.

I peered behind some trees to the car.
But no one was inside or around.

There's no way he could've known? Or is he taking precautions..

Is he hiding somewhere? No..

Now that I think about it, he mentioned he was my rival at some championship thing.

Could him and my siblings have teamed up? and if that's the case.. we're they already carrying your sleep body out the house?
They might actually have a chance of winning if they did that.

No there's only one car..
Meaning if someone was in the house it's either Ivan and Gina or Bren by himself.

Unless he brought Ty which I doubt.

Will Y/n wake up? I don't think so she's out cold.. wait when I texted him he said he was here..

Does that mean here at his car? Or here at the door?

"Shit.." I mumbled and bolted for the house.

I rushed through the back door and there I saw the blonde boy. He was carrying you and suddenly I regretted messing with your clothes as he held your half naked body bridal style.


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