A little off

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Regular POV

"Oh no.." You let out and clung to Mire as banging began on the door.
It was locked but you heard keys jiggling.
Mire fixed his crooked clothes and you hurrily did the same.

As soon as you stood up the door swung open and it was the mean gym teacher from earlier.
"What in gods name is going on here!" He yelled and looked at you both suspiciously.

He had to be an idiot if he didn't know what was going on.

Your face was flustered and hair was messy while Mire was trying to contain himself. You were hoping there wasn't a bruise on your neck.

"Didn't I tell you to change uniform young lady?!" He yelled and you were taken back.

Mire stepped infront of you.

"It's not her fault sir, I dragged her in here while she was on the way to the nurse because I couldn't contain myself" Mire admitted and you tugged on his arm.
The teacher raised an eyebrow and sighed.
"Alright Mire since I know you're not prone to trouble, I'll just give you both after school detention for skipping. But it won't go on your record"
The man shot you a look.
"I advice you stop tempting the male students miss.. who are you?"

You opened your mouth to say something but Mire spoke for you.
"She's a transfer"
The coach scoffed and wrote a pass.
"Stay in the detention room for the rest of the day.." He looked around the closet and laughed.

He nudged Mire.
"I didn't know you were the type..~ I'm proud of you son!"

Mires face grew disgusted at his words and he grabbed your hand and walked out the closet.


You and Mire sat on opposite sides of the classroom in silence.

The detention teacher graded papers and the time ticked by slowly.
Soon the school release bell rang and everyone started to go home..
Except you two.
The sun was setting extra early since it was winter and it was beginning to grow dark.

The teacher looked at the time and back at you two.

"Listen.. I have a date and you two are suppose to be here until 5, I trust you can manage yourself. I want this room cleaned top to bottom"

And with those words being said he left you and Mire alone.

Nervously, You glanced over at him.
"Come here"
He demanded quietly and you got out your desk.

You slowly went over to him and sat on his desk.
Mire let out a sigh, "You know I'm going to kill that gym teacher for saying such things right?"

You shrugged and Mire stood up.
He took your hand lead you over to the teachers desk.
You gave him a weird look before he suddenly slammed you on the desk.

You don't think he meant to hurt you on purpose because he started kissing you again.

"Ouch Mire!" You yelled and he stood embarrassed.
"Sorry!! Sorry.. it's just.." Mire brought his lips to your ear as he held your arm, "I will never let you leave"


Both you and Mire turned towards the door as it opened.

It was Micheal.

"Uh.." he started dumbfounded and Mire grimaced.
"What the hell do you want?" Mire spat not letting you go.
"Sorry for.. interrupting but I have detention so.."
You listened as Micheals steps when to a seat.

"You guys can continue, I don't mind" Micheal stated with a smile.

Mire scoffed and let you go.
You sat up and Mire rubbed your sore back.

"Where's the teacher?"
"He left" Mire told him.
"Then why are you both still here??"
"He said to clean."

Mire walked over to a broom and grabbed it. He shot you a look before giving it to Micheal.
"Since you're late.. you'll be cleaning it. Let's go sweetheart"

Mire intertwined his fingers with yours and you began to walk out.

"What?! Hey wait! I don't know where the other cleaning supplies are!" Micheal complained and Mire rolled his eyes.
"Fucking hell.."

Mire left the classroom to fetch the supplies leaving you and Micheal alone.

Mire must really have a lot on his mind.. he would usually bring me with him instead of leaving me alone with a guy..

"So what'd you do to piss him off like that?" Micheal smirked with his elbow on the desk.
He was resting his chin in his palm and you stood above him with your arms crossed.
"He's overreacting.."

Micheal looked as though he was going to say something but changed his mind.
"How'd you two first meet?"
"What's it to you?" You rolled your eyes and he laughed a bit.
"You're right. But I can't help but feel it's not normal.. after all he is insane"

Your eyes widened.

"What? It's not hard to tell.. I'm a bit insane myself but that's not something to brag about" Micheal leaned back in his chair.
"I honestly feel bad for you.. I'd treat you way better.."
"W-What are you getting at!" You yelled.

Micheal smiled.

"Nothing. I really respect Mire so I respect his woman as well"
"Actually Mire treats me really well! It's just.. I do some stupid things sometimes" You admitted and he was a bit surprised at your response.
"Tell that to your watery eyes and bruises~" Micheal tapped the desk, "Stupid things you say? Well in your mind it was justifiable wasn't it?"

Your conversation was interrupted when Mire opened the door to the classroom in a rush.
He seemed to had noticed his mistake and grabbed your hand after throwing the supplies.
You both left without saying a word.


You felt anxious on the drive back.
Mire was upset now that he realized you and Micheal had a conversation.
You reached over to his arm and rubbed it at a stop light.

"Yes?" His voice was calm but you felt he was off.
"I thought we were getting somewhere.. don't tell me you're getting jealous over petty things like talking to Michael?"
He sighed and took a right turn.
"Mire!" You yelled trying to get his attention.

"Just fucking be quiet!!"

Fun Fact : Micheal respects Mire solely because he has the ability to genuinely smile.

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