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"I have a plan okay?"

"Stop it Bren. I love him.. you're just gonna get yourself killed" You spat conflicted and Bren stroked your cheek.
"You know better than I do. Remember when you showed me the basement with the chains? You came to the realization and confided in me. Let me help you Y/n"
His words were genuine and sweet.

You looked up at Bren and almost believed him.
You'd never been in a normal family household. Mire was the closet thing to being loved that you'd ever felt.
With your mother always starting toxic arguments and playing the victim.
With your father being absent and when he was around, he was nothing but manipulative and bipolar.

But Bren was telling the truth.

And you knew it.

You knew better than anyone your own situation.
The manipulation you knew to well.
You were manipulative yourself of course, so could you really play the victim?
It wasn't your fault you ended up like this.. but you couldn't blame anyone else.

Was Mire what you needed?
Now that you had real friends.. could they show you a pure love?
Could you still have a normal life?
Was it to late?

Or maybe this was normal.. and you did love Mire.

Was Micheal right about it being Stockholm Syndrome from when he kidnapped you..?

You didn't understand anymore.

"Y/n I'll text you tonight. Make sure to meet me outside okay?"

You nodded although you were skeptical.

"Can't you tell me what the plan is now?"
"I haven't exactly planned it all out yet.." Bren laughed nervously before giving you a small smile.
Without warning his lips were crashed gently against yours before he pulled away.

"I promise Y/n. You'll be okay. You're the only one who even acknowledged me when I was going through rough times. Just let me help alright?"

You couldn't refuse.

Bren cleared his throat and you knew his ego was about to be shown.
"And I don't help just anyone alright? So feel special!"

You giggled and the bell rung.
Bren walked out the closet first, but before leaving he gave you a small wave.

For some reason..
You had an odd feeling.

As if..
That would be the last time you'd ever see him again.


Finally the dreadful school day was over. You ended up avoiding everyone and the classes you had with Ivan and Gina you skipped.
You didn't want there to be another aggressive mishap.

Ty stopped you as you headed out the double doors.

"Oh hey Ty.." You smiled and he hugged you.
"I'm sorry!"

You quickly looked around making sure Mire wasn't parked somewhere.

"I should've stopped him! It was just like at the party when you were pressured into drinking! I'm sorry I didn't do anything!" Ty hugged you tightly feeling guilty.

"It's okay! Ty that's just the type of person you are.. Kind."
You pulled back and looked at him.
"You're friends with me and Ivan, so I know it was hard to step in. That's just the type of person you are! You're friends with everyone and you're always upbeat! It's okay really!"

Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Where stories live. Discover now