Chapter 22 - Appearances

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Third-Person POV

1st May 1998

After months of waiting and weeks of planning, the group had finally developed a plan. Tilly's been pacing all morning before anyone woke up. Hermione heard her feet moving in circles and lines and came to speak to her. Comforting her and convincing her to have a shower before the other woke and their plan had to commence. Tilly took Hermione's words and was doing just that, having a shower. Sighing heavily to herself as the scolding hot water flowed down her body, healing every bruise, scar, and pain, even in her heart. Looking at her reflection in the foggy glass pane, her eyes drift to what Draco carved into her skin. Right beside her lightning bolt scar stood his initials proudly, D.M. Lightly caressing her thumb over the slightly raised skin, her lip between her teeth at the thought of that night. The passion they shared after such long nights apart. As much as Tilly knew it was unlikely once the war was over, whichever side wins, they can be together; it's a small piece of mind they still love each other deeply in their hearts.

Folding her arms across her chest, she looks at the two perplexed boys before her and Hermione, who holds a glass of a rancid poison and a hair from a vile woman.

You're sure that's hers?" Ron asks, not wanting the same situation as the second year.

"Positive," Hermione mumbles, her hand shaking, not sure she can master the look of the dark witch.

"You will be fine, Mione. Plus, I'll be by your side the entire way." Tilly answers as the three frowns.

"Tilly, we only have a hair for Ron and Hermione; you will be like Griphook and me under the cloak."

"That is where you are wrong, dear bother," Tilly swiftly shuts Harry up. "You see, I have sway and am known, shall we say." Tilly leans on the desk. "I can get in as myself, as even though it's clear my allegiance lines with our side James, I still have friends on the other, especially the Malfoy's."

"What?! I thought you dumped that prick and told him to fuck off!" Harry yells, pissed off.

"I did!" Tilly snaps her voice full of acid. "But not publicly as at the time we were to be killed on sight." Tilly sighs, "Now that it's just you, what a pity." Harry rolls his eyes at his sister's remark. "Anyway, people still believe I have strong connections with the Malfoy and, therefore, Bellatrix, so I can fix things if things get up of hand. As always." Tilly says, mumbling the last part under her breath, praying no one heard her.

"I agree with Tilly," Hermione says, dropping the hair into the drink.

"Me too," Ron says, smiling at Hermione, who turns her head to hide her blush, she wishes she didn't have.

"Of course, you two do-" Harry starts, but it cuts short.

"Well, of course, they are. They are risking their lives while you hind under a cloak!" She snaps, having enough of Harry's sassy tone. "I understand that we have to be alive to fight him in the end, but they are our friends, our family. You must be careful about how you spend other lives. Because if you aren't careful, they will certainly come back to bite you in the arse." Tilly says with a triumphant smile before walking outside to wait for the others to be ready.

Tilly stands with her back to the group, looking out into the vast ocean, hearing the Trio have a conversation about Hermione's attire in the faint distance. Still, she is too focussed on the beauty that lies in the unknown, both future and distance. With a sharp tap on her shoulder, Tilly is jolted from her peace by Harry, who cocks his head to their circle, ready to go.

"We're relying on you, Griphook. If you get us past the guards and into the vault, the sword is yours." Harry says as Tilly places her hand on the others, she snaps her head up, about to buy into the conversation about how they are supposed to get out without Griphook, but Harry silences her.

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