Chapter 1 - ...Please

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Third-Person POV

25th July 1997

The past month had been very hard on Tilly. It had been almost a month since she last saw Draco or her Dad, and that meant she was with Harry and The Dursley's for most of the difficult time. She'd been sending letters to Fred as he reaches out to make sure she was alright, and over time they had grown much closer, and Fred feelings only doubled while Tilly started to realise what is in front of her. She did have some feelings for the 6'3 twin who was slightly older. She felt guilty about it as she only just broke up with Draco but knew from the meeting updates she'd been getting that Lucius had already planned Draco to marry Astoria, Daphne or Pansy if he and Tilly don't get back together. Tilly hadn't only been getting owls from Fred on the Weasley's goings but also from Hermione and how worried the girl was about her parents as they were muggles and were in danger because of it. Tilly had given Hermione the idea to erase herself from her parent's memories so they wouldn't have any connection to the wizarding world until it was safe again.

Tilly had managed to distract Harry long enough to sneak out so she could go to a meeting that Voldemort had requested. Tilly lands just outside the gates to Malfoy Manor and turns to see her Dad walking towards her. The two don't say anything, just a quick hug, before they proceed.

"You go first," Tilly said quietly to her Dad. "I love to make an entrance," Snape smirks before heading up with a slight smile on his face at seeing his daughter after so long of being apart. As he walks in, the talking and laughter stopped, and his face drops when he sees Professor Charity Burbage, a colleague at Hogwarts he has worked with for years and became descent friends in Severus's eyes. She is being suspended in the air; above the table, all the Death Eaters were sitting. Snape locks eyes with Draco as he stops on the stair giving a slight nod, giving the boy the hint Tilly is here.

"Severus. I was beginning to worry you had lost your way." Voldemort spoke up as he spots Severus. "Come. We've saved you a seat." The man points to a chair next to him that is empty. "I do hope The Dark Lady will be able to join us. Have you had any word on her, Draco?" The poor boy shuddered as the nose-less man talked to him.

"No, My Lord, I haven't seen or spoken to Tilly in almost a month." A few gasps are heard when Draco uses Tilly's name instead of her title.

"Calm yourselves; you see, Draco and our dear Dark Lady have been dating for many years. It is merely a normal thing for the boy. Same as Severus as she is his daughter." The table nods, lowering their heads, as Draco smiles lightly, thinking about Tilly.

Tilly runs up the stairs and smirks, looking at everyone in the room.

"Sorry, I'm late. My brother is very stubborn and has barely let me out of his sight." Tilly saunters over to the spare chair opposite her Dad and next to Draco. She sits down, resting her hand on Draco knee to stop him from shaking and the other on the table where Voldemort takes hold of it.

"It's good to see you, dear one. I can't imagine what it's like to be stuck with all those blood traitors, mudbloods and even muggles." The whole table erupts in fake vomiting, then cackling, from mainly Bellatrix. Voldemort turns to Snape, "You bring news, I trust?"

"It will happen Saturday next at nightfall," Snape says to Voldemort before quickly glancing at his confused daughter.

"I've heard differently, My Lord and Lady. Dawlish, the Auror, has let slip that the Potter Twins will not be moved until the 30th of this month." Yaxley drawled. "The day before they turn 17."

"This is a false trail. The Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry or... Matilda Potter." Everyone at the table looks to the girl beside Voldemort and raises an eyebrow.

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