Chapter 13 - On Thin Ice

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Third-Person POV

28th December 1997

It had been a few days since the Trio had gone to Godric's Hollow, and Tilly's arm was healing well from the bite. When they had to make the quick getaway, Hermione had taken the two to a very secluded quiet forest, which they all found relaxing and peaceful. Tilly and Hermione sat next to each other, a blanket wrapped around them as they gazed out into the never-ending sea of white. The trees went for miles and were all covered in snow; it was beautiful.

"You've outdone yourself this time Hermione," Harry says, slowly coming to sit next to them.

"The Forest Of Dean," Hermione says, following Harry's statement. "Came here once with mum and dad years ago. It's just how I remember it. The trees, the river, everything. Like nothing changed." Her voice slowly drifts as if her mind went to a simpler time. "Not true, of course, everything's changed. If I brought my parents back now, they probably wouldn't recognise any of it." Hermione continues being brought back to reality. "Not the trees, not the river," Sighing deeply, her voice a low whisper. "Not even me...." Tilly lightly takes Hermione's hand in her, lacing their fingers together, as Tilly reaches for her brother's hand.

"I know how hard this must be. We've both lost our parents in some compacity, so for now, we're each other's family." Hermione smiles, the joy and happiness coming back into her face as she rests her head on Tilly's shoulder.

To bring them back to reality, Hermione breaks the silence.

"You wanted to know who the boy in the photo was. I know. Gellert Grindelwald." She hands the book to Harry or looks at it with Tilly over his shoulder.

"He's the thief we saw in Gregorovitch's wand shop," Tilly says, referring to the deal they had a while ago.

"Speaking of which, where is my wand?" Hermione's face twists into one of sadness. "Where's my wand, Hermione?" She stands up, pulling the blanket back revealing Harry's destroyed wand.

"As we were leaving, I cast a spell, and it rebounded. I'm sorry. I tried to mend it, but wands are different-" Harry cuts off Hermione, bitterness in his voice.

"It's done." He snaps before receiving a glare from Tilly. "Leave me yours. Go inside and get warm."

"I'll take the locket as well," Tilly speaks up, holding out her hand for her friend to place the locket in.

The siblings place themselves against a tree, wrapped in a blanket, with Tilly's head resting on Harry's shoulder. They sit, no words paced between the two, only silence surrounding them. Out of the corner of her eye, Tilly could see Harry looking at a piece of glass over and over again. He eventually gives up and throws it on the ground and sighs, bringing the blanket high on them. Before she could speak, a bright light blue orb appeared before the twins, slowly transforming into a doe. Harry looks down at his sister, hoping she had the same thought of their mother, but all Tilly can think of is her Dad. Looking around frantically as Harry starts following the doe, him wanting to know where it's leading them, and her wanting to see her Dad after months. Slowly the doe leads them to the middle of the little frozen pond before turning back into the orb. The twins carefully take light steps into the ice, ensuring it's safe, before standing next to the sphere, which drops under the ice and the icy dark waters below. Harry wipes away the frost on top so that they can see under, and the outline of the sword can be seen shining through from the bottom.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Tilly breaks the dead silence with her disbelief.

"Accio sword," Harry says she voice echoing into the never-ending forest.

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