Chapter 6 - School's Back

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Third-Person POV

The walls rumble in front of the group as 12 Grimmauld places became viewable—the four walk inside the dark, dingy hallway. The air is stale and musty, making the four frown. Tilly steps forward, only to have a dust cloud of Dumbledore come hurtling towards them. Tilly uses her arm to block the dust from her eyes, and Ron calls out.

"What was that all about?" He said, terror in his quivering voice.

"Probably Mad-Eye's idea. In case Snape decided to come snooping." Tilly rolls her eye, almost having enough of the backhanded comment about her Dad. She almost speaks her mind when they hear a noise from the kitchen. "Homenum Revelio," Hermione mutters, and they wait in anticipation, but nothing come from it. They were no other wizards or witches, nor human at 12 Grimmauld Place. They were all alone.

1st September 1997

Flashes of Voldemort yelling at Ollivander streak across Tilly and Harry's minds. The wand makers voice filled with fear and weakness.

"I believed a different wand would work. I swear." His voice quivered as he stood before the Dark Lord. Tilly jumps awake, dashing to the kitchen to get some water, when she hears the same noise from yesterday. Turning to the cupboard, she goes to open it but hears Ron call out, so she makes her way upstairs, finding the trio standing in front of a bedroom door.

"What did you find?" Tilly asks, looking at the three as they move back to reveal a name. A name that has the initials R.A.B. The group make their way to the kitchen to read out the note inside the locket again. As Harry reads, Tilly paces around, not wanting to sit down. "So, we know Regulus wanted to destroy the Horcrux, but the question is if he did." Tilly sighs.

Before anyone can speak, the same noise bangs from inside the cupboard. Harry pushes to the front and slowly opens the door, finding Kreacher hiding inside. Harry grabs and drags the poor elf out into the middle of the kitchen, even while his sister yells at him.

"You've been spying on us, have you?" Harry snaps.

"Kreacher has been watching." The elf replies. Tilly goes over to the elf and opens her arms for her friend. He runs into him, a small smile on his face. "I missed you, Miss Snape." Kreacher whispers, glare at the three behind them as he holds onto Tilly.

"I missed you as well. Know I hate to do this, but we need your help." Tilly turns to Harry grabbing the locket from him and pacing it to the elf. "Have you ever seen this before?" Tilly asks sweetly as the other three sit down.

"Yes! It's Master Regulus' locket. There are two... the other was in this house." Kreacher shudders. "A most evil object." Tilly frowns, putting a hand on his back.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks.

"Before Master Regulus died, he ordered Kreacher to destroy it, but no matter how hard Kreacher tried, he could not do it." The poor elf whispers.

"Do you know where it is now? Or even who had it last?" Tilly asks.

"He came in the night. He took many things, including the locket." Harry is the next to ask who. "Mundungus. Mundungus Fletcher."

"Can you find him for me? I'll make you favourite for dinner." Tilly smiles, and with that, Kreacher is gone.

As the group waits, Tilly looks at the time and realises that the beginning of term feast should be starting soon, so she decides now is the best time to get this down.

"James, I want to help you, but one of us need to come back and forth between Hogwarts and wherever we are. I'm the best choice as I can hold my ground, and Snape isn't going to hurt me." Tilly sighs, looking at her friends. "I'll mostly be with you three, but now and then, I'll go to school to make sure everything is okay there while also keeping tabs on Snape." Harry goes to fight it, but shake his head, then agrees, understanding it's the best option. "Tell Kreacher I'll be back in time for dinner." Tilly smiles once more before apparating to Hogwarts.

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