chapter 39

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one month later

february: your favorite month. it used to be your least favorite month, but now since you've been dating jack, it's become your favorite.

the all star game is next week, and jack is a contestant. you vote for him everyday, and you also force your friends and family to vote for him too.

jack's back in new jersey for a few days, the devils have a 3-game home stand, and you have the weekend off from school, so you're excited to spend time with him.

while sitting on the couch in jack's apartment, you get a text from jack.

on my way❤️

you smile and respond

i'm waiting😘

30 minutes later, you hear keys jangling as the door opens and you see jack. he's in a hoodie, a backpack on his shoulders and his suitcase in one hand.

you get off the couch to give him a big hug and a kiss.

once he gets you off of him, he sets all his things down.

"was the traffic bad?" you ask.

"no not really. why?"

"well it took you longer to get home than it usually does."

"you noticed?"

you get a puzzled look on your face. "what did you do?"

jack starts to smirk as he lifts a target bag up. "i did take a little detour."

you snatch the bag out of his hands and open it. inside is a quart of mint chocolate chip ice cream and moose tracks. (your favorite flavor and his favorite flavor).

"i love you."

"love you more." he says, grabbing two spoons and going on the couch.

you sit down next to him and hand him his ice cream, leaning into his chest.

"ah." jack sighs. "wanna watch a movie?"

"can i pick it?" you give him puppy dog eyes.


jack hands you the remote and you pull up disney+. you go to the search bar and type in "ten" and click on the first movie that comes up.

"ive never seen this one before." jack says.

"WHAT" you say, sitting up on your elbows to look at jack.


"we've been dating for this long and you've never seen ten things i hate about you?? it's only my favorite movie to ever exist."

jack starts to laugh.

"i'm not kidding. i'm mad you've never seen this before."

"well i'm watching it now." jack says, grabbing a blanket and draping it over himself."

"oh yes you are. and you're going to enjoy it."

jack starts to laugh again at your enthusiasm. you press play and cuddle back next to jack. you both eat your ice cream and watch the movie.

after the movie ends, you turn to jack. "sooooo"

"soooo...?" jack asks.

"did you like it? or love it? if you hated it, you can go ahead and break up with me now."

jack starts to crack up. "it was actually really good, i liked it a lot."

"oh thank goodness. i was worried you had no taste."

"it made me want to go on a paintball date with you."

"oh my gosh yes. let's do it. that was my dream date growing up. well it still is, but i kinda gave up on it."

jack grabs his phone.

"what are you looking at?"

"i'm booking us a paintball date."

you start to blush and jack looks up at you with the biggest smile on his face

"tomorrow at 2 pm, we will be paintballing each other, and i will win."

"oh really? i'm gonna win."

"i wouldn't be too confident."

"mhm. you'll just have to wait to see my skills."

jack just stares at you.

"what? is there ice cream on my face?"

"no. you're just pretty to look at."

"oh shut up." you blush

jack grabs you by the cheek and kisses you. "ready to go to bed? gotta rest up for tomorrow."

you shake your head and chuckle. you grab jack's hand as he leads you into the bedroom. you both change into pj's and put the covers over you and fall asleep to the sound of each other's snores.

crossways: a jack hughes story Where stories live. Discover now