chapter 5

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you wake up around 9 am. you roll over and grab your phone and see a bunch of notifications. you've been tagged in multiple posts on instagram. you click on your tagged posts and see jack hughes fan accounts posting videos from the club last night. you've gained about 1,000 followers from this, and carly's gained about 2,000 followers, as the video of cole kissing carly got leaked. rumors about you and jack and carly and cole are going around, and you can't help but smile.

carly's freaking out about the video, as her instagram is being flooded with dms from curious caufield fans.

you have 100s of dms from jack hughes fans, but the dm from jack catches your eye. it's from 30 minutes ago; good morning he says.

good morning, i just woke up you text back.

seconds later, you see that he's typing. your heart rate increases as the dots keep moving.

are we still getting lunch? we were kinda drunk last night and i wanted to make sure you didn't forget and that you still wanted to go.

you smile at jack's awkwardness. he's so cute.

you think of what to text back as carly goes on and on about how she's now "famous" because of cole.

"this is a good start to get mat to notice me". she says.

you just roll your eyes. "carly, do you actually like cole, or are you just gonna use him to get with mat?" you ask.

"well don't say it like THAT. i do like cole, i think, i don't know, he's cute i guess. and famous, and rich". carly says, smirking.

"whatever". you say as you reply to jack's message.

yeah im still down. what time?

wanna meet in the lobby at 12? jack responds

sure, see you then. you say

looking forward to it. jack says.

you decide to get in the shower, and get ready for lunch. after doing a natural makeup look and a blow out on your hair, it's time to pick your outfit. you decide to go more casual, it's just lunch, but you wanna look good for jack. you choose a pair of jeans, a lacy brown top, a bunch of jewelry, and birkenstocks.

after scrolling endlessly on tik tok, it's 11:52, and you pack your purse and head down to the lobby.

when the doors open you see jack sitting on a chair scrolling through his phone. he looks up at you and smiles, says hi and ask how your night was after the club. you ask him the same.

"so there's this cafe i saw on the way to the stadium yesterday before the game, and it looked pretty good, would you wanna go there?" he asks.

"sure, i like everything". you smile.

"okay, great, i'll order an uber". he says, pulling his phone out.

the uber arrives minutes later, as you and jack have been making small talk about the game last night.

about halfway through the ride, jack's phone starts to go off, startling the both of you. his screen reveals a face time call from luke hughes, as it says on his phone.

"ugh, it's my younger brother, is it okay if i answer?" asks jack.

"yes of course!" you say, trying not to show jack your smirk as you think luke is cute as well.

"hey" says luke.

"why did you call me" says jack.

"why so aggressive jacky, are you still mad about last night?" luke says, mocking jack.

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