chapter 8

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you wake up with jack's arms still wrapped around you. you look up at his face and he's still passed out asleep. you smile and softly kiss his face. you wiggle out of his arms and make your way to his bathroom. you start the hot water as you wash your face at the sink. once the water is to the temperature of your liking, you take your clothes off and get in the shower.

midway through shampooing, jack's head pops up above the shower curtain.

"hey." he says.

"oh my god! jack!" you scream, trying to cover yourself up. jack laughs and says "sorry i scared you. and don't cover up, you're beautiful."

you blush as you see jack's silhouette sit on the toilet. you both talk throughout the remainder of your shower, and jack hands you a towel. you dry off and go back into his room.

jack covers his eyes with his hands as you get dressed.

"jack, stop, you don't have to do that." you laugh.

"i feel like i should." he says.

you get dressed into jean shorts and a navy tank top. you scroll through pintrest and you see a selfie of you and jack that jack posted on his instagram story pop up. you pin it to your love board as you smile. you haven't publicly announced that you and jack are dating just yet, but rumors are speculating.

after jack gets ready, you both head downstairs and see quinn, luke, and jack's parents sitting on the couch and at the kitchen counter.

"well good morning you two." says jack's mom.

"good morning." you and jack say back.

"we're gonna go grab some coffee, we'll be back." says jack, grabbing his keys and sliding on some sneakers.

"where are we gonna get coffee?" you ask jack, opening the passenger door.

"only the best coffee in the whole state of michigan." jack smiles.

on the way to coffee, billy joel blasts as you and jack scream every word.

you order an iced caramel macchiato, while jack gets an expresso with milk. after picking up the coffee, you get back in jack's car and keep driving around.

"where to next?" you ask.

jack looks over at you and just smiles. you smile back, as you're overwhelmed by his beauty.

after 15 more minutes of driving, jack pulls over and puts the car in park.

"where are we?" you ask.

"the best spot to drink coffee with a view in michigan." jack says, and he gets out of the car.

you follow quickly behind him, and you see a park with a lake and picnic tables. it's a little chilly out, you walk hand in hand next to jack. you sit down at a picnic table and drink your coffee, talk, and take in the view.

"let me take a picture of you." says jack, getting his phone out of his sweatshirt pocket and opening up the camera app.

"why." you ask.

"because you look so pretty right now, i wanna remember this." he says.

"aww, fine." you smile as jack snaps a photo of you.

an hour passes, and you and jack head back to his car. he tells you how's he's planned the rest of the day for you two, since you're only with him for another day and a half. your heart melts at how much effort jack is showing in your relationship, and that he wants to spend as much quality time with you these few days as he can.

you head back to his house for a few, where quinn and luke are screaming at the tv with controllers in their hands and headphones on.

jack motions to go upstairs with his hand and you lead the way to his room. you both cuddle on his bed and scroll through tik tok, showing each other the funny videos you come across.

about an hour later, jack takes you out to lunch. you decide to go to chipotle. after lunch, you go to the mall. jack won't let you spend one cent of your own money.

"you're visiting so you shouldn't have to pay." he justifies.

you go to all of your favorite stores, including victoria's secret, which jack has a field day in.

on your way home, jack says he's booked reservations for a fancy restaurant downtown.

you change into jack's new favorite purchases from victoria's secret. you put a lacy black dress over them, paired with dainty black heels. you add some curls into your hair and do a light makeup look. jack wears a navy blue tux, similar to what he wore when he was drafted by the devils.

"wow you looks so stunning." says jack, embracing you in a hug.

"thanks babe." you say, kissing his cheek.

you take a mirror picture in jack's full-length mirror with jack, showcasing your cute outfit and cute boyfriend, posting it to your instagram story. you tag jack and he reposts it on his story.

you get back into his car and jack drives you over to the restaurant. it's about an hour away, but you don't mind, more time for you and jack to blast music with the windows down.

once you arrive at the restaurant, jack checks in with the hostess, and she leads you to a secluded two-seated table in the back.

you have a nice romantic dinner with jack. he orders a steak, and you order a grilled chicken platter.

for dessert, jack decides to take you to the melting pot. you share the chocolate fondue.

it's 10:30 pm, and you and jack are exhausted. he drives back home, and you go up to his room.

he takes off his shirt, and you can guess what happens next...

you wake up the next morning wearing one of jack's t-shirts, your hair a mess, and mascara smeared around your eyes. you remember the events of last night, smiling while yawning and stretching. jack slowly awakens, wearing just his boxers.

you fly back home to florida late that night, so all day you're just cuddling with jack, spending quality
time together before you leave.

you pack your luggage and jack drives you to the airport around 7, way earlier before you need to be there for your 9 pm flight.

after saying your goodbyes to jack, you get through security and sit at your flight's gate, waiting to board the plane.

you see carly texted you. you open her message and it says, ZOE OMG. YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT COLE JUST ASKED ME.

your eyes get wide and you respond with what??!!

before you can see her response, your flight gets called to board.

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