chapter 26

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jack smirks back at you while walk back to your dorm to change.

you slip on a little black dress and black heels, while jack throws on plaid dress pants and an oversized graphic-tee.

"which shoes?" jack asks you, holding up a pair of white converse in one hand and white adidas in the other.


jack starts to lace up his shoes while you touch up your hair and makeup before the party. you can't help but smile knowing you get to kiss jack right in front of chelsea later.


it's about an hour into the party, and you're pretty tipsy, jack, not so much.

you start to dance some more and pull jack away from the drinks and into the middle, where more people are clumped together.

you start dancing with jack, your eyes looking around for chelsea. there she is, dancing with some of her friends, holding a red solo cup in her hand.

it's your chance.

"hey bitch!" you yell, and a few people look up at you, including chelsea.

"this is for you!" you say, gripping jack's face and making out with him in front of chelsea and her friends.

jack's a little surprised by your actions, but he's not complaining as he kisses you back.

chelsea jaw drops. she's speechless.

you break away from jack and smile at chelsea as you catch your breath.

"what the hell?"

"that was for kissing my boyfriend. and this is-" your hand turns into a fist, and before you can swing at chelsea, two big arms grab your arms, pulling you away from chelsea.

"no, no, no" jack says, pulling your farther away from chelsea.

"let me go!" you try to squirm out of jack's arms, but he's too strong.

"don't do it."

"just one good punch. that's all. pleaseeeee." you sluggishly say as you smile up at jack.

"no. i don't need you getting a lawsuit. let's get you back home. okay?"

"fine." you roll your eyes as jack helps you get out of the crowd and back to his car.

"where are we going?" you ask, yawning.

"brock's apartment. he's away for the weekend, but he said we could still stay there."

you smirk at jack and he can't help but laugh.

"are we thinking the same thing?" smirks jack.

you nod your head yes while giggling. "i think so."

once jack unlocks the door to brock's apartment, you both head to the guest room. you strip from your clothes and go in the shower, the hot water feeling good on your skin. you get out about 10 minutes later, your hair dripping wet with just a towel wrapped around your body. jack's laying on the bed, texting on his phone.

"i cannot believe you almost knocked out chelsea, you're out of control." says jack with a laugh.

"i would of if you didn't stop me! i would of gotten her good too, she deserves it."

jack laughs again as you grab some comfy clothes to change into.

"hey." says jack.

"hm" you say, not looking away from your bag as jack talks to you.

"you don't need those right now."

"oh?" you say, standing up, still holding your towel around your body.

"yeah." says jack, coming over to you. he starts to kiss you and soon your towel drops to the floor.


you wake up to the sun blinding you. you slowly bat your eyes open and a headache swarms inside your head. you stretch, feeling jack's warm body next to yours. you look over at the nightstand and see two advil's and a cup of water. you smile, knowing jack did this. you slide of out jack's arms, trying to not wake him as you swallow the advil.

"morning." he says, stretching.

"oh, i didn't wanna wake you, sorry."

"no it's okay. i've been up for a while, i just fell back asleep. do you feel okay? i see you took the advil, you had a few drinks last night, so i figured it would be helpful."

"i just have a headache, and i feel a little nauseous, but i'm fine. thank you." you lean over to kiss jack on the forehead.

you spend the morning cuddling together in bed. your phone starts to vibrate once, then twice, and then a third time. you pick it up, and it's carly. 

call me when you can

you click on her contact and press facetime.

"hello" you say.

"guess what."



"WHAT." you and jack say at the same time, shocked.



"oh, i'm happy for him." jack says.

you, carly, and jack talk for a little while more before carly hangs up. you open instagram, and there are brock's engagement photos. you've never met the girl, but you click on her profile, and her account is private.

"well that kinda came out of nowhere" you say to jack.

"yeah." says jack, sitting up in bed. "guess we're going to a wedding soon then."

"that explains why brock is away for the weekend."

"oo yeah. he didn't mention anything about proposing though."

"weird." you say.

jack texts brock congratulations, and brock says they're planning the wedding for next summer, maybe even in the bahamas.

"first brock's wedding, then ours." says jack with a smile.

"oh for sure." you laugh.

you spend the rest of the day hanging around the apartment with jack, watching tv and snacking.

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