chapter 6

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jack quickly closes the door to your hotel room.

"okay, um, that was weird, we should give them some privacy."

"sure. do you just wanna go to your room first?" you say.

"yeah." says jack, as you both make your way back to the elevators.

your phone vibrates and it's a text from carly.

are you mad at me?
i'm sorry
i didn't know when you were coming back
i was just packing i swear
cole came over to help
we were just taking a break
are you mad at me
is jack mad at me
i'll be done in 10 minutes i promise
then you can come back to pack
i'll be done then

you smile at how quickly carly overthinks. you show jack the messages and he clarifies that he's not mad at carly.

no we're not mad, you're fine. we just weren't expecting to walk in on you two. going to jack's room first then i'll come back

carly immediately reads your message. she replies with:

okay good i'm sorry again
how did lunch go😏😏

you roll your eyes at her second text. you tell carly you'll tell her everything later.

jack opens the door to his hotel room and it's cleaner than you expected for a 20 year old.

jack gets all of his clothes organized in his suitcase. his backpack is already packed, and you're amazed by how organized he is. he has gone on a lot of flights, you think to yourself.

"alright, i just need to pack my bathroom stuff now."

you both walk into the bathroom as jack grabs a smaller bag, and asks you to hand him various bathroom items.

"okay, now just my toothbrush and i'm all packed, thanks."

you turn around to grab jack's toothbrush. as you turn back around, you notice jack has moved closer. you hand him the toothbrush and your faces are inches apart.

"we should go back to your room now." says jack. he backs away and puts his toothbrush in his bag.

"yeah we can." you say, disappointed jack didn't kiss you just now.

you knock first on your hotel room door and ask if you can come in.

"no you can't! carly and i are having sexual intercourse at this very moment!" yells cole.

"carly would never do that. i'm coming in!" you say, and you open the door to reveal a laughing cole and a flustered carly.

you and jack start laughing too, as carly's face turns red.

"are you done packing?" you ask carly.

"yeah. i have to leave in like half an hour. he's driving me to the airport." carly points at cole.  

"aw, when are you two lovebirds gonna be reunited?" jack mocks.

"actually jacky boy, i play the lightning in a few weeks so i'll see her then." says cole.

carly dabs as you laugh at her.

"well, i'll give YOU two lovebirds some time alone, to you know, pack." smirks cole.

"oh stop." says jack. 

"i'll be done in 20 minutes. i'll meet you at the lobby before you leave. if im not down in 20, text me." you tell carly.

she nods as her and cole go down to the lobby, cole being stuck carrying all of carly's luggage.

"let's get packing!" jack says, as he raises the roof with his hands.

you giggle, and grab your suitcase and put it onto the bed and start taking your clothes out of the drawers.

"wanna play some music?" asks jack. you nod your head yes and jack gets out his phone.

you hear "gorgeous" by taylor swift start to play. your jaw drops and you look over at jack with wide eyes.


"you listen to taylor swift?!" you ask.

"yeah, kinda, why, is that bad?" asks jack, all nervous and worried.

"she's my favorite artist."

"oh, well then i guess i picked the right song." smiles jack.

you finish packing, jamming out to taylor swift with jack.

you and jack grab all of your luggage and head down to the the lobby to checkout and meet carly. you see carly and cole at the checkout desk, and get in line behind them.

after checking out and returning your room key, it's time for carly to leave. you say your goodbyes and give her a hug. you say goodbye to cole too, and tell him to thank brock again for the tickets.

carly and cole leave the hotel, and go into cole's car and drive to the airport. you still have about an hour until you have to leave, and you and jack are going to get an uber to the airport since your flights are only an hour apart. you decide to sit in the couches in the lobby.

the next hour flys by, you and jack's conversation flows and seems never-ending since the two of you clash really well.

the uber arrives at the hotel and jack puts your and his luggage into the trunk.

"i hate that we have to leave each other, i'm gonna miss you, you know that right." says jack, as your heart melts.

"yeah, i'm gonna miss you too."

"what's your number, i'm gonna facetime you as much as i possibly can until i can see you in person again." jack asks.

you give him your number and you get his. the uber arrives at the airport, and you grab your luggage from the trunk and jack grabs his. this is when you're saying goodbye to jack since your flights are in different terminals.

you embrace him in a long hug, and he kisses your forehead multiple times.

"it's not like i'm never gonna see you again." he reassures you.

"i'll fly you up to new jersey whenever you want, okay? just let me know."

you smile and say, "i will."

you go in for one last hug and jack cups your cheek and kisses you. it's a quick kiss, but it was meaningful.

you smile as jack waves goodbye, and mouths "i'll text you later."

you wave back and mouth, "okay." with a big cheesy smile on your face.

you both are walking backwards, not wanting to not face each other as you walk to your terminals. eventually, jack bumps into a column in the wall, and you laugh, he shakes his head at you while laughing, and you both turn around and walk to your flights.

crossways: a jack hughes story Where stories live. Discover now