A Mistake

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Each night after Diana told Claude she was with child, he cradled her gently to sleep and brought breakfast to her room and fed her. Diana always felt amused by this sudden change in Claude's actions and thought he was very cute. News of this pregnancy was made public shortly after Diana told Claude. The nation rejoiced and some people even offered gifts to Diana and her future baby. Diana's family was ecstatic at the news of her pregnancy. They wrote many letters to Diana, detailing each of their reactions and expressed their excitement. 

One day, the couple went to the palace magician to do a checkup on Diana's health. "My lady seems to be doing good-" The magician stopped abruptly in his speech. "Continue," Claude demanded. The magician suddenly appeared distressed and spoke, "This child, this child's mana is growing at an exceptionally high rate! I'm afraid that my lady's body might not be able to withstand this!"

Diana's eyes widened. "What did you just say?!" Claude angrily demanded to the magician. "What is the meaning of this?" Diana asked. The magician hurriedly responded, "My lady's body is very healthy. This would've been a nice journey under normal circumstances, but, this child has unusually fluctuating energy. It's as if the child is eating away at my lady's life-" The magician didn't get to finish his sentence as Claude shoved him away from Diana. 

"You incompetent imbecile! Summon all magicians in Obelia! Find a cure!" He ordered him. "Yes, your majesty!" The magician teleported away in a hurry. Claude was visibly angry. 

"My majesty, please, calm down. I'm fine, don't you see?" Diana soothed him. "I'm sure he must've over calculated the mana this child has. There's no way I'll be harmed, my love." Diana put on a front like she wasn't disturbed at all by this news, but it was the complete opposite. The imperial family carried mana in their blood, but other people didn't. Claude's own parents were one such example: his mother was sick in bed throughout Claude's life after giving birth to him, but that was because she always had a weak body. Diana, on the other hand, had a perfectly healthy body, so at first she thought the mana wouldn't harm her at all. Now that the magician just verified the opposite, Diana couldn't help but feel a bit anxious. 

Claude watched Diana feign her nonchalance. He knelt down on his knees, a movement that shocked Diana, and tightly grasped her hands. "Claude, what are you doing? Please get up!" Diana said. "Diana," Claude began. "I vow to you that I will never let you come in harm's way. Don't worry, my dear. You will be alright." He kissed her hands but didn't let go of them, as if he was scared he might never be able to hold them again. 

Diana was then escorted back to the Ruby Palace, but Diana left shortly afterwards for the library. There, she read books about controlling one's mana and anything she could find about it. This day's reads were, however, fruitless. She found nothing about regulating the mana of a child inside of someone's body. As she closed the last book and prepared to retire for the day, Diana still clung onto the hope that the magician was somehow wrong in his analysis. 

The days went by one by one. Diana was still in the early stages of her pregnancy, and a baby bump was still not yet visible. A week since the last magician checkup, Claude and Diana went to see another magician for their input. Once again, they received the same news that the baby was harming Diana's body. This time, the magician even predicted that giving birth to this child would likely take away Diana's own life. Before Claude could even speak, Diana spoke first. "That's alright." Both the magician and Claude looked at her with widened eyes. "What do you mean by that?" Claude asked her. turned to him. "It's our child, your majesty." Diana touched a hand to her stomach. She said something that Claude would remember for the rest of his life. 

"Even if it costs me my life, I want to protect this child." She smiled a sad smile. "I hope your majesty will love this child in my place." 


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