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At sundown, Felix took Diana to the palace. Along the way, Diana thought about what she would do when she arrived. What if Claude wanted her to leave? She wanted to talk to him, so she was determined to at least speak a few words with him, face to face. Diana thought that maybe she would act as if nothing happened and continue her casual friendship with Claude, or maybe confront Claude about him not meeting with her for such a long time, or maybe ask him what's on his mind, or maybe-!

"My lady, we've arrived." Felix spoke from the front.

"Ah..." Diana took her steps with apprehension. She stopped and looked at the palace; large and magnificent, as if straight out of a fairy tale. The palace walls shined gold and white, glimmered with blue, the colors of the imperial family. Behind the central palace was a courtyard and the vast gardens, and a little further were mansions the royal family members and guests would stay at. Even after all the times Diana visited the imperial palace, she was never able to fully take in the gorgeous palace.

"His majesty is currently in his office. I believe there is no need for any escort, my lady?" Felix said.

Diana figured that Felix was probably scared that Claude would overwork him to death after finding out about his actions, so she replied with a smile, "There is no need, Felix. I know the way myself. Thank you for taking me here, I really do appreciate it." Diana walked up the steps and entered the palace lobby. Up front would be the throne room, where Claude would meet his audiences. To the right were meeting rooms for nobles and diplomats, and to the left would be a library and an entrance to the gardens. Diana took a left turn and headed for the gardens. She found the most inner peace among the various types of flowers that reminded her of Siodonna. She inhaled, breathing the sweet scents of the flowers, and strided along to Claude's residence. Little did she know that Claude, having finished his work for the day, spotted her in the gardens. He thought he was seeing things at first, there was no way Diana could've been here. Did he really miss her that much to start hallucinating images of her? And, the images of Diana looked so fluid, so vibrant, as if she was really there. Claude decided to go see for himself.

Diana stopped by the dianthus bushes in full bloom. Although summer was over, autumn was a time for new flowers to bloom. Maybe Claude could let Diana into his life. Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms embrace her warmly. She let out a gasp of surprise, but then was relieved when she turned around and saw Claude clutching her tightly. Yes, she thought, there really is a chance Claude will let me into his life.

"Claude," Diana touched his shoulder. "I'm back, you didn't expect me to be back, did you?" She laughed teasingly. Claude let go of her, taken aback that this wasn't a hallucination. He was calling her name just then, but Diana didn't respond to him so he felt for sure that she was just an image. It was impulsive and improper of him to hug her like that, even if she was an image.

"I'm sorry for that." Claude began. "I called your name many times, but you didn't respond." Claude hardened his gaze, however. "I don't recall giving you permission to enter the palace grounds. I could charge you for trespassing on the grounds of the imperial family, do you realize how harsh of a punishment that would bring?" Claude deliberately spoke in a cold tone.

Diana rushed into a deep bow. "Please forgive me, your majesty, for I thought I was given unlimited access to the imperial palace?" Claude cursed inwardly. During one meeting, Claude told her that Diana would be 'free to come whenever' she pleases. "So," Diana continued, "I believe I shouldn't have any charges pressed against me."

"You really are clever, aren't you." Claude scoffed. Claude thought that he shouldn't continue this conversation for any longer, otherwise he'll feel an attachment to Diana again. He turned and was about to walk away when Diana told him, "If your majesty doesn't want to see me, why doesn't he tell me himself? I've missed you over the course of these past few weeks, why didn't you ever say you wanted to see me? Judging by your reaction when you saw me, you clearly missed me too." She paused as she saw Claude's shoulders stiffen. "Claude, can we be friends again? Please, don't push me away." Claude turned around to see that Diana had tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry!" Claude's emotions overtook him again. It was strange that whenever he was with Diana, he let his emotions get the better of him. "Please don't cry, I'll be here whenever you want me. Just, please, don't feel sad." He wiped her tears away and took her inside a glass room. Inside, they talked and talked the night away, just as before. When night came, Diana bid adieu and returned home, feeling as satisfied as ever. She was overjoyed to be able to meet up with Claude again, and before she left, she spoke, "I'll come again?", to which Claude replied with a smile.

"I know what you did, Felix." Claude called Felix into his office for a quick meeting. Felix was scared out of his pants."I'm sorry your majesty! I'm so sorry, I deeply apologize for my grave offense!" He bowed and kept his head down. Claude sighed. "You are excused for your transgression." Felix looked up with wide eyes. The Claude he knew was always the type to hold grudges and give out punishments when he deemed to. Sharing his personal information was a crime Felix thought he was going to get stripped of his knighthood for, and basically disgrace his entire bloodline for. He knew he wasn't supposed to tell Diana about his past, but he just needed to see her with his majesty again. They bring out the best in each other.

Wait... perhaps, it was Diana who changed Claude?

"Thank you, your majesty. I... I will return now. I won't ever go beyond my boundaries again." Felix hurried out the door, leaving Claude in a deep mood. He was supposed to feel enraged now that he knew Felix told Diana everything about himself. It was obvious. There was no way Diana had the bravery to go to the palace unaccompanied by someone, and the person most likely to do so was Felix. Judging by the way Felix avoided him for the entire day, and the way he wasn't seen around Diana proved the fact that he spilled everything to Diana. However, what surprised him was the way Diana acted around Claude. She didn't seem to show any sort of disdain for him after realizing the tragedy he's lived through. She was still the cheeky, extroverted, and optimistic girl, there for him when he needed her the most. Being with her made Claude feel alive, as if he's been dead his entire life. It wasn't until he met Diana that he realized he has never felt a sense of achievement nor fulfillment in his life.


Claude felt his heart beat.

Memories of the Beautiful Past (STORY COMPLETED, NOW MAKING SIDE STORIES)Where stories live. Discover now