A New Friend

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In the afternoon, Diana and Claude returned to the imperial palace. Upon their return, a maid brought Diana a letter from the York family. As she read it with Claude, she found out that a daughter of the York family, named Lillian, was willing to become Diana's lady-in-waiting. 

"Lillian York, I think I remember greeting her at the ball." Diana said. "Do you think she would be a good choice?" 

Claude pondered for a bit before saying, "The York family is generally on good terms with me. I'm not familiar with them though, but if you'd like, I can arrange a meeting for you two. Then, maybe you can decide for yourself if you'd like to make her your lady in waiting." 

Diana smiled at this. She was willing to make a new friend in the palace. "Sure!" She said cheerfully. 


"Greetings, your royal highness, lady Diana." The young woman standing in front of Diana spoke. She curtsied into a deep bow while lifting up her long dress. "I'm most pleased to make your acquaintance." 

Diana chuckled. "There's no need for such formalities, oh my dear." She ushered for the young woman to stand up from the bow. "Your name is Lillian, right?" 

"Yes, my lady." Lillian was happy. Diana wasn't like any other noble she met. She liked Diana's unrestrained personality and vivid expressions. The two ladies spent most of the day getting to know each other. Lillian quickly found out Diana's hobbies and likes. If Lillian was made Diana's lady-in-waiting, this knowledge would be beneficial for her. They enjoyed each other's company. Lillian was an elegant young woman and had vast knowledge throughout the kingdom of Obelia. Diana would benefit from keeping Lillian at her side. 

During the evening, she told Claude about the perks of having Lillian by her side. "I think she is a thoughtful young lady. Lillian is well versed in the history of Obelia and also has many connections with the aristocratic families. Plus, I like her presence. If you have a Felix by your side, I think I should have a Lillian at my side too." Diana said. Claude laughed at her comments. "Makes enough sense. I shall send the York family a letter to invite Lillian tomorrow then." 

Diana was elated. She threw her hands up and gave Claude a huge hug. "Yay! My majesty loves me so much." She kissed his cheek. Then, she had a very mischievous smile on her face. It was a smile Claude was only too familiar with. 

"What do you have in mind now?" He asked her. 

Diana gave a smooth laugh before saying, "I think we should introduce Lillian to Felix too. Even though they won't see each other often, maybe a spark of romance could begin between them as well." 

Claude laughed hard. "Diana, they barely know each other!" 

"Oh, come on your majesty! I'm just saying, what if?" 

The two laughed their way through the night before finally falling asleep. 

Memories of the Beautiful Past (STORY COMPLETED, NOW MAKING SIDE STORIES)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang