A Knight's Allegation

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Claude didn't invite Diana over or go see Diana again after the festival. Spending time with her reminded him of his past. How foolish he was, to trust that woman.

"I'm sorry Claude, but since you love me, won't you want me to have a happy ending?" She told him. " 'Sorry?' You must be stupidly reckless to say such outrageous words to me." He spat back at her. He turned and never wanted to look back into her green eyes again. Now that he met another woman, he didn't want the same tragedy to happen again. He didn't want to lose someone he regarded as important again, especially not when he was starting to get used to feeling lonely. Being with Diana would only bring harm to the both of them, and he didn't want to see her in pain. Unbeknownst to him, Felix noticed Claude's conflict, and went to see Diana personally.

Diana was surprised to see the emperor's right hand man at her door again. It has been a few weeks since she's seen Claude, so she thought Felix must have come to deliver her a message personally. "Hello, Felix." Diana beamed brightly. "Please come in and have some tea." Felix was about to decline, but then remembered the gravity of the news he was about to give her, so he accepted her offer.

After they both sat down, Diana began, "What brings you here today?" Felix seemed apprehensive for some reason. "Lady Diana, I'm sure you've noticed the lack of meetings with his majesty lately. I'm here to tell you the cause of that." Diana looked at him with trembling eyes. Has she done something to anger Claude? What if she went beyond her boundaries when she called him by his name? Or if his majesty was feeling unwell and Felix had come to ask for her help? She was ready to do anything. "I'm positive that by now, my lady has heard of the rumor that his majesty killed the former emperor in cold blood to usurp the throne." Diana nodded and said, "I personally don't believe it. It must be some malicious slander that was spread by the nobles! His majesty is very kind, I don't believe he had the heart to do that."

"That is partly true, my lady. The real truth behind his majesty's coronation was because the former emperor attacked him first. Though I can't tell you much about the specifics, what I can tell you is that his majesty killed the former emperor as an act of self defense. I must let you know that growing up, his majesty never received love from his father, and his stepmother always took out her anger on him for being the child of her husband and another woman. His majesty's mother was always in bad health; she didn't have the physical capacity to take care of him and nurture him. His relationship with his brother soured over time, and he was betrayed by his first love." Felix stopped. Diana was listening intently, shook over what Felix had just told her. She was never aware of Claude's loveless childhood, and it made her heart ache knowing what Claude went through.

"My lady, as you can see, his majesty isn't familiar with the concept of love. The relationship between you and him strengthened as you continuously met with him throughout this summer. I believe that he is trying to keep you out as another means of self defense." Diana stopped him.

"Felix, I'm afraid I don't understand."

"His majesty doesn't want you to betray him. He doesn't want to experience the loss of another loved one, and he also doesn't want you to become the target of his enemies and the nobility. I've been his majesty's knight and I have been by his side since a young age. I understand him, and I don't want to see him lose another person." Felix looked Diana in the eyes. "It is out of my boundaries to tell all of this to you. It is extremely private information that his majesty would kill me had I told another soul, and yet, here I am, telling you. I believe you can help his majesty overcome his conflict. Please, my lady, think about it." Felix pleaded with her.

Diana looked down. Ever since the day of the festival, Claude has been constantly on her mind. They were opening themselves up to each other, Diana thought that they might even become... lovers. And, surprising herself, she wanted to become Claude's lover. Not because he was the emperor of Obelia, but for what Claude was worth. He didn't talk much, but when he did, Diana would always smile at his clever remarks and compliments. He cared deeply for his country, and was well versed in magic. Claude is able to devote much of his day to running kingdom affairs personally, while keeping the nobility in check and the people happy. He helped her friend when she was being confronted by a creepy man, and he even set aside his busy schedule to attend a festival with her. Being with him made her feel cherished and happy, and now, she wanted him to feel the same.

"Felix, please take me to his majesty."

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