Her Royal Highness, Lady Diana of Siodonna

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"All of this, just for an announcement?"

"I don't think he's even declaring her as the empress, what's all this even for?"

"I heard she's a commoner, isn't that strange?"

"Shh, don't let him hear you, he's right there!"

Whispers were exchanged throughout the grand ballroom, but Claude paid no attention to it. He was patiently waiting for Diana to enter from the top stairs. She had been preparing herself for a month to learn the etiquette of high-class citizens, and also accustomed herself to ballroom dancing. It was a form of dance that she wasn't quite used to, as it didn't allow for much space for her to fully express herself. However, Diana being Diana made a few changes.

"Enter, Lady Diana from Siodonna!"

"Enter, Lady Diana from Siodonna!"

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The gates opened. Diana stepped out in a purple gown. The gown shaped her form and was elegant in every way. Her hair was pinned back with silver accessories and a purple lilly accented the outfit. Even though Diana wore the simplest outfit in the room, she shined brighter than any other noble.

"Your majesty," She bowed down. Claude reached out his arm for Diana to take it, which she did. Together, the couple made their way to the dance floor. As the music started, Diana danced with Claude and she spun through his arms, dazzling the crowd. Their dance truly captivated the eyes and attention of the crowd, as they were truly amazed by Diana's dancing. Claude finished the dance off by holding Diana's waist as she leaped through the air, a move never seen before in the ballroom. The two made their way towards the thrones and the rest of the people continued to enjoy the night.

Amongst the crowd was one young lady by the name of Lillian, of the York family. She was amazed at how Diana danced with passion and flare; she hoped that she could acquaint herself with her. "I must talk with Father about becoming her lady in waiting," she thought.

"My dear!" A voice called as a figure made its way to the throne. It was Diana's mother.

"Mom!" Diana said. It has been years since they last saw each other. Neither of them expected to reunite at the imperial palace. After embracing each other, Diana breathed out a sigh. "I'm delighted to be able to finally see you again. How has life been at Siodonna? Has the Windrosia tree blossomed yet? Did father and Deucalion come too? What about Selene? Is she here?"

Diana had a million questions to ask her mother, but her mother had one question she must ask Diana first. She eyed the emperor standing beside Diana. "Your majesty," she bowed deeply. "I am ever so thankful for you holding this grand celebration for my daughter." She turned to Diana. "How did you meet his majesty?"

In the months Diana knew Claude, she never mentioned it in her letters she sent home in order to keep it a secret from prying eyes. She figured that if word got out that she was his majesty's companion, she would become the target of harassment from the nobles and gossip from the commoners. In addition, her family would also be targeted, coming from a poor background. Diana only revealed to her family one month prior to the celebration, and in that short period of time, letters were hard to exchange frequently. Diana's mom came with a multitude of questions prepared to interrogate her daughter with.

Diana led her mother and Claude to the dance floor. "I already told you everything I could muster up in the letter, mom. I know you're still curious, but I think his majesty can tell you about it."

Diana's mom sucked a mouthful of air in. She pulled Diana to her and whisper-screamed, "You want me to dance with his majesty?? Diana! What if I mess up?" Diana only smiled cheerfully. "Mother, I know you're very curious about him. He's been expecting to meet you, please, I'm sure you will have a great time here. Now, I'm going to go find father and my siblings, you stay here and delight his majesty in a dance, will ya?" Diana smiled at her mom and at Claude, then leapt away into the crowd. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Claude bow to her mother and offer her his hand. She felt so happy.

"Diana!" A female voice called out. Diana spun around and saw the rest of her family gathered around at a table, all dressed in their finest formal wear. Her father was brimming with tears as he looked at his daughter, all grown up and the lover of the emperor of Obelia. Her sister, Selene, was eating a small cake while Diana's younger brother, Deucalion, was trying his best to maintain an expressionless face (even though Diana could tell he was extremely excited). "Diana, I'm so happy you found someone to keep you company." Her father said. Diana beamed brightly. Even though her lover was the emperor, her family only saw Claude as a special someone Diana loved.

They talked for a while before Diana's mother came back and rejoined the family. Claude told Diana that she had to meet a number of people and she left with him. The people Diana greeted all complimented her and expressed their amazement at her dance. However, Diana kept Claude's words in the back of her mind: "The aristocracy may call themselves noble, but they are the most shallow and deceptive people you might ever meet. Don't trust them easily, Diana."

After an exuberating night, the celebration finally came to an end. Claude offered for Diana's family to stay at the castle, but they politely declined the offer. Diana embraced her family and relatives before they left for Siodonna. Diana and Claude returned to the Ruby palace. Inside, the large windows displayed the vast starry abyss above. The night sky was dark, but the stars above illuminated the world. Starlight reflected off Claude's golden hair, and she saw herself sparkling in his jewel blue eyes. She found herself staring at him for too long.

"What's wrong?" Claude asked her. Diana regained her senses.

"It's nothing," She began. "Claude, your majesty, my love," she took his hands in hers, "I've never been happier in my entire life. I know the reason why you decided to hold this event for me; you were afraid that I was going to be mocked by Obelia for being a commoner, right?" Diana extended her arm to touch Claude's cheek. She couldn't help but tear up at her lover's consideration. "So you decided to display to the whole world that I am your legitimate lover and your one and only. And by inviting my family and relatives to the palace also tells the world that they are under the protection of the crown. Even though tonight was seen as a celebration by many, it was actually brilliantly planned out to help me. Hehe, I feel so treasured by my majesty."

Diana stepped on her tippy-toes and leaned to gently kiss Claude. Claude reciprocated the kiss and carried her to her room. "My lady is ever so clever. Yes, I had initially planned this out to formally establish you as a member of the imperial family, but can't I spoil my lady to my heart's content?" Their laughter could be heard across the hall.

Before Claude left the Ruby palace, he told Diana that his mother arranged for him to come to Siodonna in a month's worth of time. "She really did that?" "Yes...Do you think they approve of me?" Diana stared at Claude, stupefied. "Hahahaha! Do I think they approve of you? Is that even a question? Of course they approve of you! I told them all about you in my latest letters, and I know they are the most happy for us. But, do you have time to go to Siodonna, busy as you are?" Claude nodded his head. "I will work ahead of time and leave the affairs of that day to Felix and my council."

"Alright, my majesty. I'm looking forward to going to Siodonna with you." Diana kissed Claude one last time. "Good night!"

"Good night my dear."

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