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We were all sat in and around the pool talking about how Emmy was surely gonna be a baller when she's older.
My mum sucked her teeth, "She'll join an under 7's team when you move your ass to Man United."
Marcus instantly applauded and praised my mum.
"Alright then." I smirked, "Remember this, yeah?"

Jude strolled out the house into the garden with a wide smile on his face walking towards us. As I noticed him I smiled. Emerald pointed at him.

"Who's that?"
I helped her out the pool, "That's Jude, my boyfriend."
"JUDE!" She screamed as she ran forth for a hug.
This man has to marry me now. I watched as he knelt down and hugged her whispering to her as she smiled and laughed.

My mum was beaming and began walking up to Ju.
"Hello son!"



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@amethyst.rashford: Some of the most important people in my life met today <3 @judebellingham

@mummybellingham: He's a keeper❤️
^@amethyst.rashford: ❤️❤️
^@judebellingham: ❤️❤️

@judebellingham: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
^@jadonsancho: Wow mate.

@youngadz: Fam❤️

@marcusrashford: Cool photo, would be better with me in it but k❤️

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