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Two days after the incident with Hu and still Sumi could feel the unrest within the Shanghai mafia. It put her on edge, while always watching Enishi's back. He felt it too, however wasn't that concerned. If someone could survive taking him on, then that person deserved to be the new boss. Everyday, both he and his wife wore their metal plated vests, mostly as a precaution. There were many sectors that the mafia had their hands in. During a walk through of the prostitution alley, Lei came to greet them. Sumi noticed he was visibly upset.

"Lei, what's wrong?"

"My sister, she's really sick."

"Show me."

Because his wife took interest, Enishi also went with the boy. The sister seemed so fragile and she had a bad fever. Enishi said, "bring her to the house. Go get Sumi's horse." The boy obeyed and quickly brought the white mare down the alley, holding the horse steady. Enishi waited until Sumi had mounted and then handed her the little girl. "I'll send a doctor to the house, with Lei."

Sumi cantered off, carefully holding the sick child. On arrival back at the house, the doorman handled the horse, while she took the little girl inside. She put the girl on a daybed and had Feng bring cold water and a cloth, to wipe the child's head. The doorman brought Lei and the doctor.

"Feng, stay with the kids and help the doctor, I need to get back to the port."

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh and set Lei and his sister up to stay in one of the guest rooms. They'll be living here for a while, I'll discuss it with Enishi when I see him." Sumi didn't wait to see if her orders were obeyed.

Riding back to the alley she'd last seen Enishi, Sumi came to the street with the brothels. Seeing the men and women of these establishments brought back bad memories and she was on edge. The mare she rode pranced and when a man suddenly darted in front of her, the horse reared. Sumi kept her seat and put a calming hand on the neck of her horse.

"I know Pearl, I feel the same way." She saw one of Enishi's men and called to him, "do you know where he is?"

"The Boss is talking to Daiyu, in that one," he pointed to the brothel.

"Can I tie my horse here?" Sumi asked.

"If it would please you, I can hold on to her."

"Thanks... what's your name?"

"Pan Chang."

She gave him a nod and then made her way into the brothel. The air inside was heavy with smoke and perfume. The other scent was opium and it made her feel sick. It was her nature to stick to the shadows and conceal her presence, so she went unnoticed as Sumi sought out Enishi. From gossiping whispers, she learned that he was in the office of the Madam. Finding the room, she entered and froze. A beautiful woman served Enishi wine and then sat down on his lap, making sure he got a good eyeful of her chest. He seemed to be ignoring her, reading a rolled up parchment. The woman saw his new wife in a mirror and smirked devilishly, then kissed him.

Sumi couldn't breath, her chest hurt like it had been stabbed with a red hot knife, a cold chill travelled the length of her body all in a few seconds. A million thoughts ran through her head and one became anchored; she had to escape the pain. Without a word, she ran out of the brothel and leaped on to her horse, startling Pan Chang. He let go and she spun the animal and took off. Sumi had to get out of the city. Tears blinded her and so she rode, urging the mare faster and faster. The mare called to Black Devil repeatedly, hearing his screamed reply. Chaos was left in her wake, as horses from carriages spooked, carts were overturned and people yelled.

Because of her sudden departure, Sumi didn't see Enishi dump the woman on her ass. When Pan Chang came to tell him about Sumi leaving in a rush, Enishi lost his temper. His hand latched onto Daiyu's neck and he squeezed until she became panicked. "If I can't find my wife, I'll break your neck."

ENISHI'S Aftermath:  SOMETHING TO LIVE FORWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt