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They made it to Takasaki and found a healer to look at Sumi's thigh. The doctor was impressed with how well Enishi had taken care of the wound, to keep it from getting infected. After that they listened to gossip, ate and then continued on.

"Toyama has the Kitamae-bune trading ships, which might give us a ride to Shanghai, rather than have us travel to Kumamoto." Enishi shared and then asked, "what's the name of the man who sent the hunters after you?"

"Touma. He owns all the brothels and gambling houses in Toyama."

"I know the type."

"Enishi... I...I-I'm scared to go back." Sumi admitted.

"What are you scared of? You know how to protect yourself."

She didn't answer, becoming introverted and quiet.

"Want me to buy your freedom or help you take it?" He asked.

"Help me take it."

"How's your leg?"

"It's fine, why?"

"You'll need it to fight me."

"Wait... WHAT?"

Enishi slowed his horse, "you're good at sticking to shadows and stealth attacks, but that doesn't always work. You've got agility, so speed is your advantage. I can teach you how to be a better fighter."

"Up the mountain there is a hut near the Miyagawa River. Before we ride along the pass, there's a small town where we can get some supplies. The hut is well hidden, at least it was when I ran away originally."

"That could work. Other than the hunters, would anyone recognize you now?"

"Probably not."

**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Enishi bought a pack animal to take their supplies to the hut. He saw Sumi eyeing some knives and got those as well, without telling her. It would be cold soon and blankets were needed. She felt bad that he had to pay for all of it. At last they left and she lead the way to the mountain pass. It took longer than expected to arrive at the hut.

"The light is fading fast. I'll get the pack stuff into the hut and take care of the horses. You get a fire started."

The place was pretty much the same, except they needed to fix some holes on the roof and an animal had pooped inside too. The iron pot that had once been there, was still where she'd left it. Cleaning up the poop was the easy part. Sweeping dirt with just a tree branch was frustrating. However that branch got broken down for firewood when done. Sumi brought in enough dry branches to last the night, tomorrow she'd bundle more. So completely absorbed in getting the hut to a liveable state, she didn't even notice Enishi had finished his tasks. When she left with the iron pot, he followed her to the river. Then returned to the hut for the horses, bringing each one to the river to drink. As the last light faded, they finally relaxed in the hut.

"Let me look at your leg," Enishi requested.

She sat down beside him and pushed up the pant leg. He carefully took off the bandage. It was healing well, so he re-bandaged it.

"Let's wait another day, before we begin honing your skills."

They shared a cheese and bread dinner. Then sat watching the fire. Sumi asked, "can you tell me about your sister, or is that topic off limits?"

"My mother died when she gave birth to me, so Tomoe was my mother and sister. She was affectionate and emotional, when I was growing up. Then Tomoe got engaged to her friend and at first I didn't think she really wanted to get married. But she continued to make plans for exactly that. He died by the sword from Battosai." Enishi stopped talking, unable to go on.

Sumi told him about her family. "My mother was a beautiful, kind, gentle woman, that my father beat to death. I became his slave, until his gambling and drinking made him sell me. I hate him. I have no other family." She paused and removed the hood from her head. "I haven't cut my hair since my mother last did it. Would you cut it? I'll braid it and maybe this knife could chop it off?"

Enishi went to the pack pile and withdrew the new knives. "This will be sharp enough," he said selecting one of the knives.

She began to braid her hair, which went faster than he expected. "Okay, do it right about here," Sumi showed him where to make the slice.

Even though he'd cut hair with a sword in the past during fighting, the new knife was sharp enough he didn't need to make much effort. He held up the removed braided chunk and then gave it to her.

"Damn it was even longer than I thought. Thanks. It's so much lighter now too." She undid the braid and shook her head.

Enishi thought she looked pretty, especially in the soft glow from the fire. That surprised him, because no woman in the past had ever captured his attention.

"Light is limited up here, because of the mountain peaks. It's best to get up early, to make the most of the day. We'll need to patch the roof and collect a lot of wood too. I can do it all on my own, if you don't want...."

He cut her off. "I'll help." Enishi lay down, using the blanket as a pillow.

Sumi put more wood on the fire and then did the same. He listened to her breathing, which changed when the nightmares began. Although he was waiting to see her jolt awake, he didn't expect the scream. She bolted upright and was crying, partially still caught in the nightmare. He got up and cautiously approached.

"Sumi, wake up!"

No response, so he crouched down and hugged her against him. The terror that gripped her mind, shook her whole body.

"SUMI! You're okay. You're safe!"


He didn't let go, until she did. "Are you awake?"

"Yes... sorry. I guess talking about my mom wasn't smart."

"You have a lot of nightmares."

"I've been on my own for so long, I'm use to it. I sleep a few hours here and there. I'll tend the fire tonight, so you can sleep."

"Want to try sleeping beside me?" Enishi surprised himself when he asked that.

"Back to back?"


"I'll try. Just punch me if my nightmare returns and wakes you."

"If I punch you, we'll have to wait a week before training."

"Right... don't punch... nudge." She demonstrated by bumping his back with hers.

After a few minutes of being back to back, Enishi opened the cloak wrapped around him. Sumi was like a little furnace, but it didn't annoy him. Normally he had a short temper, yet around her he seemed to have more patience. If she'd been a man and woke him like that, he would've knocked him out cold and gone back to sleep.

ENISHI'S Aftermath:  SOMETHING TO LIVE FORWhere stories live. Discover now