Chapter Twenty Five

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Nikki's POV

I woke up with a slight startle. I immediately regretted sitting up fast, the headache I had did not respond very where. I reached over to pick up the noisy device, not bothering to look at the call name. 


"Nikki! Finally god. Where are you?" Anne's rushed voice came from the other end. 

"What do you mean?" I said as I closed my eyes and rubbed my left temple. 

"You're not at your house. You said you were going to get a ride back before I left, yet you're not here." 

At that my eyes shot open. I finally looked at my surroundings. I wasn't in a place I was familiar with. It was a simple bedroom. The walls white and grey. The furniture that was present was a dark brown, and the room had slight accents of blue around. I couldn't for the life of me remember how I got here. 

"Oh um. Yeah I'm not sure." 

Anne sighed. "I swear to god Nikki. You better be okay." 

As she said that, the familiar blonde haired girl walked into the room. She was carrying a tray of breakfast in as she tried to sneak through the door. 

"Don't worry, I think I'm okay." I said as I smiled at the girl that got startled by the sound of my voice. 

"Okay well, you have a way back right? You're not going to get murdered are you?" 

I laughed a little at this. "I'm fine Anne. I'll call you when I get home." 

With that Anne and I said our goodbyes and I placed the phone back on the end table. I watched as the weary girl walked to the bed and placed the tray down by my feet. She didn't say anything, she could barely look at me.

"So, what am I doing here?" I asked her as I motioned for her to sit on the bed. 

She looked a little surprised. "You don't remember?" 

I shook my head as she sighed. "Well you got a little drunk last night, Jenna's car was full so she asked me if I could take you, but when it was time to go, you ended up passing out. So Damien and I carried you to our apartment and you spent the night here." 

I gave a quick nod and pointed to the tray of food. "Is that for me?" 

She quickly got up and grabbed the tray. "Yes it is. I didn't know what you would want so I just made a little bit of everything." She said as she placed the tray on my lap. 

I took some of the fruit off the plate and thanked her. She sat there for a little bit before she talked again. "So you really don't remember anything from last night?" She asked with a little bit of a worried tone. 

I looked over at her and could see the worry written on her face. She was probably scared that I didn't remember our little talk and kiss that happened when we went outside. Trust me, I did. That kiss was something I only ever dreamed of having again.

Speaking of all of that, I don't really know how to take it. I know the whole story now, her whole side with everything. Part of me forgives her, while the other part of me is a little hesitant to try starting anything. 

I decided to play with her a little. "I'm not sure. Everything is a little fuzzy." 

Her face immediately fell. "Oh." She started to get up off the bed. When she did she dusted the imaginary dust off of her shirt before stating. "I guess I'll let you get to eating, if you need me just holler." 

I laughed a little before grabbing her wrist and pulling her back onto the bed. "Don't go. Maybe I just need a little bit of a refresher." 

She looked at me with confusion, causing another chuckle to leave me, before I placed my hand on her neck and pulled her into a soft kiss. I felt her tense a little under me, but as soon as the initial shock wore off, she kissed me back just as softly. 

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