Chapter Ten

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Mia's POV

Last night was amazing. The date with Nikki went so well. I haven't been able to get her out of my mind. The only things is, where does this lead us? Are we going to keep going on dates and maybe become something? Do I want that? 

Yes, I want that. What does that make me? I still like guys, but Nikki is the person I'm interested in. I've never felt this way for any other girl besides her. 

Oh well, I'll figure all of that out later. Right now, I'm at school waiting on the rest of the group to show up. I know Nikki is showing around the new kid, I still haven't heard anything about them. Jen and Anne are running a bit late since Jen had to get her. 

I saw Lucy at her locker looking at me with a guilty expression. She still hasn't spoken a word to me since everything with Mark happened. I did miss her. She was my first friend at this place. I decided to put away my pride and go talk to her. She looked a little surprised when she saw me walk to her, but I wanted to fix things. 

"Hey Lucy. How have you been?" I ask as I got to her locker. She looked at me with a confused look and then to the floor. "I've been good, considering the things that have happened." 

I sighed. "Look Lucy, I don't want you to feel bad about everything that happened, I'm okay. Trust me, everyone around me has helped so much, so can we stop this game of cat and mouse and be friends again. I miss you." 

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I miss you too Mia. I just, I just feel so bad about everything that happened. He's my brother and I wasn't able to see how terrible of a person he is. I helped set y'all up and it led to you getting hurt." At this point she really started to cry, drawing the attention of nearby students. 

I pulled her into a hug. It helped that we were basically the same height. "Shh, Lucy it's okay, really I'm fine. Look at me." I made her tilt her head up and look me in the eyes. "I'm fine Luc, I'm fine. I'm doing great. Yes, your brother is a jerk, but that doesn't mean what he did was your fault." 

She sniffled and nodded her head. "I'm glad you don't hate me Mia." I pulled her to my chest again and laughed. "I could never hate you." 

Lucy and I said our goodbyes and she went to hang out in the cafeteria with some of her friends. I checked the hallway to see if anyone I hung out with was here yet and luckily found Jen and Anne at Jen's locker. They waved me over and welcomed me to join them. 

"Hey Mia, how did things go with Nikki last night?" Jen asked with a smirk. I blushed a little remembering the events that took place last night. "Things went really well. I can't believe how amazing she is." Anne nudged me on the shoulder. "She may come off as a player, but she's the sweetest girl you'll ever meet." 

"That she is." I agreed. As if on que, Nikki showed up with a guy by her side. I couldn't see his face where I was standing, but I could tell he was tall. They were laughing together about something before she spoke to us. 

"Hey guys, this is D-" Before she could finish the tall guy beside her interrupted her. "Mia!?" He said, I noticed his voice was a little familiar. I shifted to where I could actually see him. 

"Oh my god, Damien!?" I screeched as I ran to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me and spun me around. "Oh god I can't believe this is the place you moved to. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he was putting me down. I punched him on the chest. "Me? Why didn't you tell me you were moving too?" 

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, it was something sudden. I didn't think I'd find you here in the middle of nowhere Texas." I laughed a little. "I honestly didn't think I would find myself here either, but here I am, and it's not as bad as it seems." This time he laughed. "You? The biggest city girl I've ever know, is fine with living in the country? And actually likes it?" 

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