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Silence filled the room, their breath coming out softly as they gripped each other hands tightly. They hesitantly walked further into the room, the blood-flooded floor silencing their steps slightly.

A loud tick sound erupted and in the far corner of the room, a flame erupted from the candle placed on the wall.

Luke and Emmy shared a glance before nodding. Their feet started moving towards the flame, but a growl erupted from the small chandelier that was held just beside the candle. The two paused as they stared up at the chandelier, noticing the small blood-covered crystals shaking.

Two eyes suddenly glowed in the dark, a bright red color. Luke's hand tightened around Emmy's as he slowly took a step back. 

Another tick sound, like from a clock erupted. Another candle went alight but on the opposite side of the room. Emmy whirled around, her face losing color as the words were written in blood on the wall. 


"We need to find a way out," Luke whispered hurriedly. 

But Emmy stayed still, not making a sound as she stared at the words written on the wall. 

"Emmy-" Luke cut himself off as he felt something hit his shoulder.


We were back on the ship, everyone we could find. The 'gods' had gone missing, and Artemis had disappeared. 

My memories were back, and I could remember everything that happened before WICKED. Artemis was my mother. A sick and twisted mother, but my mother nonetheless. She never liked Thomas, always insisted that he wasn't her child. She hated that I cared for Thomas, who was actually my younger twin brother. 

She never liked that. 

Testing was a thing that happened constantly to me, but I always protected my brother. Always stopped her before she could try an hurt him, or kill him. 

And she had Emmy, for months. 

I didn't want to think of what she's done to her. To my daughter. 

Newt wasn't entirely happy with what I had done, getting help from Icarus to come here and the babies. Who am I kidding, he was fucking pissed. But now, I've got the babies back in me, and he refuses to look at me. But he hasn't left my side.

"So, she saved this kid? Who is now in a coma after being dead for how long?" Thomas crossed his arms.

Benny shook his head, waving his hands up into an 'I don't know position. "I don't know Thomas! She had him inside her-"


"-Along with Kronos who is a really bad guy. Worse than the 'gods'." Benny said before crossing his arms. "But she wasn't the same, something was wrong. Either it was Kronos or it was something the 'gods' did. But she wasn't the same person we all knew. Not until she saw Newt again."

"It was Kronos." The girl, Annabeth said from beside Percy. "Luke wouldn't do that, especially since it happened to him before he-" 

Percy wrapped an arm around her, bringing her closer, comforting her. 

I sighed, rubbing the spot where the babies kicked. Newt glanced at me before placing his hand on my stomach. I smiled slightly before looking over at Annabeth.

"What happened? How did he die?" I ask, nodding my head at the coma kid. 

"Kronos convinced him to fight against the 'gods', and that giving him his mortal body was a good idea. He killed himself to help us win the war, bringing Kronos down with him." Percy answered instead.

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