|11| - Her Damnation

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Everything was silent. Not a whisper of a breeze. I could feel the water soaking my clothes, but not moving or flowing any which way.

My eyes were closed, but they felt heavy. I wanted to open them, to see where I was, but I felt tired. My energy was completely gone, wasted away at something I don't even remember.

"Wake up." I heard a familiar voice say, yet it sounded strange.

My index finger twitched slightly, eyes moving around erratically to find the light in the darkness.

"Wake up!"

I opened my eyes, gasping for air as a heavy feeling sat under my lungs. I cough up nothing but feel like I had something there, stuck in my throat.

"Finally, you're awake." The voice spoke again.

I closed my eyes, just for a brief moment, before searching for the one who spoke.

"Where are you?" I called out, mindlessly stepping to my feet.

There was no light wherever I was. Everything was overshadowed, and any sign of light shifted away quickly. Like where we were was moving constantly, and the light stayed in one place.

"I'm not too far from you Emmy, but let me come get you. You're probably still disoriented from just waking up." I heard soft steps echoing towards me, barefoot softly patting against stone most likely. 

I flinch away as I felt a hand brush against the back of my arm. They felt cold, but there was a slight warmth that lingered on the spot they touched. I turned around, reaching my hands out to find them. My left hand brushed against cloth, and I brushed my hand up their arm.

I didn't flinch this time when their hand was placed on my shoulder. 

"Who are you?" I ask, blinking blindly at the darkness. 

I felt their chest rumble with laughter as they brought me up onto the stone surface. 

"Can't you tell? Or do I sound that different in death?" They said.

I frowned slightly, before bringing my hands up to their face. They held still when my fingers gently brushed their jaw, telling me that they were okay with my touch.

My index finger brushed a bump on their left eyebrow, a scar.


"You guessed right Princess." He chuckled.

"But I had struck the deal, you were brought back-"

He sighed and shook his head. "Kronos did bring me back, just didn't bring my soul along with my body. So I've been trapped here, waiting for you to show up."

I stare for a moment before I shake my head at my own stupidity.

"I'm so sorry Luke, I thought-"

"No, you didn't think! What the hell were you doing striking a deal with him?" He exclaimed.

I step back for a moment, staring at him as the light briefly passed over us. 

"What was I thinking?" I parrot. "I was thinking of saving my Dad from dying! I was thinking of bringing you back so you could have the second chance that you deserve! That's what I was thinking!"

He scoffed. "Well, obviously you didn't think hard enough, because if you had. You would've realized that it was a bad idea!"

"Oh, so it was a bad idea trying to save you?"

"Yes!" He yells.

I pause, breathing in harshly.

"What?" I say slowly in confusion.

HB13 The Lost Oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن