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The wood crackled as the fire burnt through it slowly. Benny's eyes flash hazel as he hears a soft scurrying coming from the leaves. He looks down with a soft smile as Bean crawls up onto his shoe. The little guy had surprisingly survived through the time Benny had been paralyzed and stayed by his side.

His fingers brush against Beans head gently before he offers his palm. Bean climbs up quickly and Benny looks up as he feels eyes watching him.

"You feel it, don't you."

He turns to Hazel and nods his head. 

"What do you think they're planning next? Another fire?" He asks.

Hazel shakes her head as she crosses her arms over her knees.

"No, they wouldn't do the same thing twice. At least not exactly." She sighs.

Percy tosses another stick into the fire with a scoff. "Whatever they have planned, we'll figure it out and get out of here."

Benny nods his head before shaking his head. "If they're doing something for every day, we need to be ready to make a move soon."

Leo snickers as he looks towards Benny.

"And what exactly do you have planned for us new guy? An extravagant escape plan, a way to get your girlfriend back?"

"Leo enough." Annabeth interrupted.

"No, I don't have anything like that yet Leo. And she isn't my girlfriend." He sighed again. "I'm just saying we need to have an idea of what to do next."

"We keep walking," Piper spoke out. "We keep moving, find anything we can use and eat. Keep moving until we can find a way out. That's all we can do."

Jason stood up, "Everyone should rest now. We only have a few hours to sunrise."


I climbed up the rocks as we headed towards the half-blow-up building. Where my daughter-

"Newt! I think you need to come and see this!" 

I turn towards Thomas who was shining a light down a dark crumbling hall.

"What do you think we'll find?" I heard Minho ask as I got closer to them, ignoring the twinge in my ankle.

"Answer hopefully," Thomas muttered as I look down the dark path.

"Guess we'll just have to see." I slide down the broken floor.


I felt like I was floating like my body was in water just slowly sinking down to the unknown.

My mind was clouded with a fog that I couldn't lift. I had no control over anything.

Is this what my mom felt like? 

When she almost became a crank?

I don't like this feeling.

I don't like the heavy feeling in my chest like I was being suffocated.

Why can't I move?

Why can't I breathe?

I can't even scream.

But I doubt that anyone would answer.

Why hasn't anybody saved me?


Because I can't do anything. I'm drowning-


I can't.




Why are you helping me?



You want something from me, don't you?


Why are you all trapped here?


I slowly felt my lungs fill with the water. My mind fell numb, and the voices slowly disappeared. My body drifted further and deeper into the water. 

The darkness was deafening.


Cells, over a dozen of them. Carvings littered the walls inside each one. Some parts of the cells had collapsed from within. Yet we haven't even found a single body. Had they made it out?

Why did it blow up?

"Newt, look."

I glance over at him to see him holding his flashlight towards a broken door that was laying on the floor.

'Test subject HB12 The final huntress, Emilia'

"Emmy," I whisper before shining my flashlight further into the room.

A glimmer on the ground makes a small gasp escape my lips as I realize what it was.

I walk over to it, crouching down as I carefully pick it up. Her locket, one that she never took off.

"What did they do," Minho murmured.

I look up and stare at a chair, where just below it laid a dry puddle of blood.


I felt new, energized. Yet, something was different.

Like I had forgotten something. Something important.

I smiled widely and hummed as I walk down the hall that I had memorized. 

"Hephaestus! I need a new weapon made! I broke the last one." I exclaimed as I open the door.

The man in the room hummed and opened a draw and continued to work on whatever he was working on.


"What type of weapon?" He asked, still not turning to face me.

I smile as I fiddle with one of the many gadgets he had laid out.

"I want a gun."

He paused and looked at me as I spun a wheel attached to some type of boring machine.

"I thought Artemis was teaching you how to use the sword-"

"Boring! Bows and arrows are boring! Who uses that type of stuff anyways these days. It's all about the ones that can go boom, ya know!" I say as I jump onto the desk and swung my feet back and forth.

He stares at me for a moment before sighing. "Leave, it'll be done by morning." He turned away again.

"Thank you Hephy!" I jump off the desk and skip to the door.

"Don't call me that." That was what I heard before the door slammed shut behind me.

I laugh to myself before I felt my ears begin to ring.


Emmy covered her ears as the ringing began to hurt. Her eyes opened as she felt a small pressure in the back of her mind. Her eyes, silver in color, flashed a vibrant unnatural blue. Closing her eyes tightly she slowly inhaled deeply.

She opened her eyes and slowly laughed aloud as they returned to their normal Silver. Her thoughts in her mind whispering to her, tickling her brain.

Laughter echoed through the halls as she walked down the empty hall with her fingers brushing against the wall.

A flash of light in the distance shined as she turned down another hall. Her eyes lingered on the window before she smirked and continued to walk down the hall. The words still echoed through her.

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