Chapter 4

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"What a life" Riku sighs heavily. She's going to buy a materials for her project, a food for her siblings and a clothes for her. She just finished visiting Draken with Takemitchi and Emma.

After she left from the hospital, she didn't have an idea where are they, she even didn't see Mikey before going to the hospital. "Y/n?"

"Rindou?" Both of them were staring at each others eyes. "We meet again, coincidence isn't?" Rindou spoke as he enter the store. "Yeah, what are you going to buy here?" She ask as she enter the shop also.

"Buying a painting materials for my brother" He replied while rolling his eyes. "You have a brother?" Rindou humm as a yes. "Older brother"

"You didn't mention you have a brother. What's his name?" Rindou and Riku were walking around to find a materials. "Ran, i don't why he needed this, he's not really into this things"

"I just know, he don't care about school, all he do is fight someone or go to the club" He added. "How about you? You do not go to school also?" Rindou shook his head. "I don't like school even our parents wants us to finish our studies. They also suggest us to continue our studies to Italy but we disagree"

"But why? Studying abroad is a good thing, most of the students likes to continue their studies abroad" Riku stated. "It's just we don't want it, why go to school if you're going to die at future?" Riku laughed at his statement but that's true tho.

"You do have a point"

"Then, what you and your brother do everyday?" She asked, picking some brush paint and a illustration. "Nothing, we usually at home. If we're bored, we're going to watch a fight or go to the club"

"Then, do you have interest with a girls?"

"Sometimes. But this time, i like someone else" Riku felt sadness and jealousy at her heart, hearing the boy she like also like someone else, and its hurts more that she is not that girl.

"Really? Who is it?" Riku tried her voice to steady so Rindou wouldn't notice the sadness at her voice. "Secret. I keep it a secret because i don't want to ruin our friendship also, i don't think she have a feelings for me also" Riku can clearly see that he was hoping the girl likes him back.

"Maybe she will have a feelings for you if you keep approaching her or helping her with something. Take her out on a friendly date, maybe she's going to have a feelings for you" Riku suggested to him even though she feels hurt inside.

"That's a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion" Rindou gave him a sweet smile, Riku tried to hide her blush so Rindou wouldn't notice it. She's pretty sure that Rindou was going to tease her if he saw her blushing.

"Are you done picking yet?" Riku nodded. "Let's go and pay for it then" After that, both of them pay for their materials and separated ways. They also exchanged their numbers since they are getting closer.

Riku already understands her feelings and his feelings. If Rindou already like someone else, then she's going to support him even she was hurt. Rindou sees her as a friend and she understands that.

"That girl was lucky" She mumble before walking away to buy some snacks.


Riku got home in night after she finish buying she needs. When she got home, she was only greeted by Emma and their Grandpa. "Thanks for the snacks" Emma thanked her while taking out a mochi out of the plastic.

"What's for dinner?" Riku asked as she placed the materials for her project down on the living room couch. "A ramen, sushi and pork" Their grandpa answer while reading a newspaper.

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