John's Apparent Lack of Musical Ability

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John clumsily dragged the bow across the strings -he was nervous and of course wasn't nearly as talented as Sherlock.

He did manage to play four bars of the song (very badly) before he heard a quiet 'thud, thud,thud' behind him and whirled around, violin and bow in hand, to see Sherlock leave his bedroom and walk over to him.

"You're playing my violin." He said in his deep, velvety voice. It wasn't an accusation, nor did it contain any hint of anger. He was simply stating a fact.

His clear, bright eyes twinkled with amusement, probably due to John's musical ability, or lack thereof.

The only sign that Sherlock had just got out of bed was the state of his hair. Flattened on one side and bushy on the other, it looked like half a nest on his head. His expression, as usual, was impossible to read.

Stop staring, John.

"O-oh. Erm...yeah...s-sorry, Sherlock. I-I didn't-" John broke off and hastily made to place the violin on the desk next to the music stand.

Sherlock chuckled once. "Not at all, John," he said, stalking over to his friend in his usual confident stride. "However, isn't it usually my job to wake you up in the middle of the night when playing the violin?" He gently plucked the violin and bow out of John's shaky hands, their fingers lingering for a fraction of a second before Sherlock moved to the music stand and began to play the same song John was attempting.

The doctor couldn't answer his question. The sound Sherlock produced was...beautiful. At first, his song sounded sad, then a key change turned the lament into a joyful tune. However it stopped abruptly -John then quickly remembered it was unfinished.

Sherlock didn't look at John as he put his instrument down and returned to bed, nor did he mention the song. John, stunned, swivelled round and climbed the stairs to head back to bed, though he knew he wouldn't sleep.


I know it's short, but hold onto your deerstalkers and don't get your red undies in a twist! I'm writing the next chapter now.

Ps: thanks for all the support, I love all of you guys that vote and comment and encourage me and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Ok enough sappiness now.


Love, Red xoxo.

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