memories from the past that aren't that fun

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" Don't love me gently press your hands to me like it's the last chance you'll get,
kiss me as if you crave me like I'm the air in your lungs "
- unknown

Lex eyes flickered open as he heard his phone alarm go off. He reached over and felt around the nightstand for his phone. As soon as he found it he shut off his alarm.

Lex groaned.

It was seven 'o clock, earlier than normal as Lex had to stop back at his apartment before heading to work.

That arms wrapped around his waist tightened and the face press into the curve of his neck snuggled closer.

Lex smiled, "Good morning darling."

"Morning," Matthew smiled back into Lex's neck.

Lex ran his finger's through Matthew's hair, "I gotta get up."

Matthew only hummed, not really listening to Lex's words.

"Matthew," Lex spoke softly. "I gotta get up."

"Do you have to?" Matthew asked, almost like a child.

Lex chuckled, "Depressingly, yes."

Matthew groaned and Lex laughed again.

Lex sat up on elbows and Matthew moved his head from Lex's neck to his torso, gently resting on Lex's torso, his face was facing Lex and he was listening to Lex's breathing.

Lex ran his fingers through Matthew's hair again.

Lex wanted to wake up like this everything morning, he wanted to wake up and be surrounded by Matthew's silk sheets that smell every so slightly of his cologne, he wanted to wake up with Matthew's body pressed against Lex somehow, he wanted to wake up every morning with Matthew.


Lex left Matthew's apartment after making him breakfast and tell him to call him if he needed anything at all, Lex even made Matthew promise he would call if he needed to.

Lex really didn't want to leave Matthew, he wanted to stay curled up with him in his bed all day, protecting from anything and everything wrong in the world.

But here Lex is sitting at his desk, typing away at the newest story.

There's a knock on his office door, "Come in."

Dae-Seong enters with a bright that disappears as soon as he sees Lex's tried and annoyed face.

"What's wrong?" They asked.

Lex shook his head, "It's nothing important, what's up?"

"It's clearly not fine," Dae-Seong rolled their eyes. "What happened?"

"Just a rough few days, okay?" Lex sighed. "What's up with you, you had a smile that said I have a great idea."

Dae-Seong smiled once again, "I'm working on something for you."

Lex smiled, when Dae-Seong's way of showing love was giving advice and little trinkets, normal trinkets they made themselves.

"What are you working on?" Lex asked, his head tilted slightly.

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