I am running on spite and coffee

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" We are powerful because we survived."
- Audre Lorde

Lex watched as the fire continued to consume the warehouse.

He watched from the shadows, the only thing that filled his eye sight was the orange and yellow flames that just kept growing and growing. Climbing to another floor of the warehouse.

He felt the heat of the flames, he was sweating. Sweating more than he's ever sweat in his life. The black three piece suit that he was wearing didn't help either.

He heard the sirens coming from blocks away. Firemen, policemen, ambulances. Everyone and anyone who could help.

Anyone who could help the people trapped inside.

Lex continued to watch, he wanted to leave.

The flames were suddenly close to him, too close. He could feel the heat of them circle around his legs and climb up his body. Orange and yellow filled his vision and he could see nothing else but the flames, he couldn't hear the sirens anymore.

He couldn't move, his legs weren't listening to him.

Lex felt panic fill his body, why weren't his legs moving.

He said they were fixed, He said he had fixed them all those years ago.

Why weren't his legs listening to him?

The heat was all he could feel.

The heat and the panic.


Lex shot up in his bed, gasping.

Another nightmare.

His whole body was covered in a layer of sweat, his sheets were practically soaking with it.

It took him a few minutes to catch his breathe.

He ran his hands threw his hair and rubbed his eyes, what time was it anyways?

It was five-thirty in the morning.

He had only got around five and a half hours of sleep.

Better than normal.

Lex got out of bed and stretched his body, his legs were listening.

He went to go take a shower, a nice cold one.


Lex used a towel to wipe the water off the mirror after he got out of the shower.

He examined his face in the mirror.

There were slight bags under his eyes, nothing crazy contrary to little amount of sleep he got. His ice blue eyes were still bright and sparkly, still looking exactly like his mother's eyes. His cheekbones were defined and he still had a single freckle on the left side of his forehead, by the hairline.

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