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Miranda scooted down in the seat and watched as Carina lifted her shirt up. Ben held her hand and looked into her eyes. She shivered at the cold gel and Ben laughed.

Ben and Miranda stared at the screen and looked at their baby.

"They have your nose." Ben pointed at the screen.

Carina moved the wand around and cut up the sound of the monitor, trying to find that sweet spot, so they could hear the heart beat.

Ben smiled when the noise filled the room with a steady, strong heart beat. He brought his lips to her and she kissed him passionately.

"Your baby is 10 inches long and progressing wonderfully. How do you feel Chief? Have you started having Braxton hicks or dizziness? "

"No, but I do have lower back pain." Miranda answered.

"That's normal especially since your bump is growing quickly. Your center of gravity is changing, so the muscles in your back are straining and working hard to support the weight of your belly. Make sure you practice good posture when sitting and you can also try exercises to strengthen your back."

"Can you email us a list of exercises to try?" Ben asked.

"Of course. I also recommend that you switch up your sex positions."

Ben’s eyes widened and looked over at Miranda who blushed.

"Your libido increases, but since your experiencing back pain, women on top, reverse, spooning, edge of bed or chair, kneeling, standing and leaning on the bed, and even doggy style would be better for you two."

"Okay, thank you for that." Miranda said seriously.

"Alrighty then we are done here and I will get these sonograms printed."

They nodded and waited for the pictures to be printed.

"Chief Bailey. I already filled the balloons with the confetti and you just have to attach them in random order onto the board."

"Thank you."

"They are in a box in my office. You can get them before you go home today."

"I will thanks again."

"You hungry?" Ben asked helping her down from the table.

"Aren't I always. I really want a fajita, with white cheese sauce."

"Mexican sounds good."

"Okay great. Let's go get my purse then we can leave for lunch."

Later that night the family of five sat at the dinner table eating and talking about their days.

"I think you should cut your hair." Miranda told Joey. "It's your senior pictures."

"I know, but it took me a while to grow it out."

"And you can grow it back. Your cap isn't even going to fit at graduation."

"I'll consider it."

"Thank you preferably in two weeks for these pictures."

"On another note boys your mom and I have something to tell you." Ben said changing the subject. Everyone got quiet waiting on either of them to speak.

"I'm pregnant." Miranda smiled lightly examining their faces.

"Wow." Joey said first smiling.

Tuck spoke after a while with a smiling face matching his brothers. "So are we getting another little sister or a baby brother. Please say baby brother."

"Uh Pru is the best little sister ever." Miranda defended and Pru looked up from her macaroni and cheese at the mentioned of her name.

"She is also very bossy." He laughed.

"I agree with Tuck. How many months?"

"5 months, the baby's due date is June 20th."

"And we don't know the sex. We were waiting to tell you all."

"I have a game set up tonight after we finish dinner, so we can find out the gender together."

"You came up with a game?" Tuck questioned amused. "Seems like that's more of dad's thing."

"I had help, but it was my idea?"

"So you know the sex then?"

"No, I had Carina fill that balloon and mix them together with other balloons."

Miranda had a sheet on the floor in the living room and in front of the fireplace was a giant board that had cut outs of women. The black balloons were on the belly and the top read He or She Pop to See."

"Who wants to start?" Miranda asked sitting her camera up to record this moment.

"I'll go." Joey said grabbing a push pin. He popped the right corner and white confetti fell onto the sheet.

Tuck went next and popped a balloon in the middle, more white confetti fell out.

They let Pru go and she jumped at the sound of the balloon popping, but giggled when the white confetti went everywhere.

Ben and Miranda both took a turn and was getting anxious as the board was getting cleared.

"It's only one more." Miranda noted.

"You go." Ben instructed standing on the other side of the board.

Miranda smiled and picked the push pin up.

"1...2...3..." Every one shouted and Miranda popped the balloon.

Miranda awed as the pink confetti went everywhere.

"Pink." Pru pointed.

"It's a girl." Ben grinned

Miranda silently agreed as Ben leaned down to kiss her. He wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped her arm around his neck. They kissed heavily until the boys made gagging noises and said give it a rest.

"Your mom and I also wanted to let you know that we are going to start looking at bigger houses to accommodate all of us. If you all want to go, we are going to write it on the calendar and you can see if you don't have practices or afterschool activities those days."

"I want to find a house with 6 bedrooms if we can, but we live in Seattle so we will probably have to settle with 5."

"Can we get a pool?" Tuck asked hopeful.

"Who is going to be doing pool maintenance?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Dad." He responded.

"Don't volunteer me." Ben said quickly.

"A pool would be nice, but I want a yard too." Miranda admitted.

"You can have whatever you want." Ben said seriously rubbing her waist.

A few days later Miranda looked up as her husband walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She glanced over his body before looking back at her laptop. She didn't want to start anything that they wouldn't be able to finish.

"What are you doing? Ben asked looking her over in her nightgown that showed a lot of cleavage.

"Looking for somewhere to have Pru's birthday party?"

"So I take it you picked a theme already?"

"No not yet, right now she's into beauty and the beast, Moana, Sofia the 1st, frozen, Doc McStuffin and Princess and the frog."

"You want her to go with Doctor Mcstuffin." He laughed.

"I would like that, but she can choose whatever." She smiled. "I need to think of something though. I'm including her grandparents, but they keep suggesting that we go on a cruise or something extravagant."

Ben rolled his eyes. "She's turning 3 not 18."

"Exactly I just want her to have fun on her birthday."

"She likes fairies, unicorns, mermaids, and that pink character with the tall hair ,why don't you pick something like that." He suggested.

"That pink one is princess poppy and she is a troll." Miranda laughed. "Oohh baby that is so smart. A mythical or magical birthday party."

"See I'm good for something." Ben cheesed rubbing her leg.

"You husband are good for a lot of things. Now help me think of something for the invitation."

"Miranda that's all I had." Ben said seriously, He just gave her the theme.

He looked over as she was silent and then started typing on her laptop.

"I like this one: Dance with fairies, ride a unicorn, and swim with mermaids. Please join us for a MAGICAL time as we celebrate PRUITT's 3rd birthday." She read off showing him the invitation with mermaids, fairies, and unicorns on it.

"That's pretty. I think we should just have it at the station. There's already tables, chairs, and more than enough space."

"Can we?" Miranda asked hopeful.

"Yeah. I'll just ask the captain and see what he says."

"I need round tables though, not just the ones from Thanksgiving."

"We have round tables too."

"This is going to be so cute. I can picture it in my head. I need to write a list of people for the invitations, and food."

"Just invite the kids from daycare."

"I know that, but I want to invite the kids from the daycare that she went to before we switched to the hospital's. I still have a few of the mom's numbers."

After about two hours they had the party planned out, down to the food and decorations. They decided to do it on her actual birthday next Saturday.

"You sure you don't want a baby shower?" Ben questioned.

"I don't. Can we just do something after the baby is born?"

"Yeah that would be great. A house party."

"A sip and see." Miranda smiled rubbing her stomach.

"I swear they have a name for every thing." Ben laughed.

"Welcome to 2022."

Saturday came and Miranda was up early making sure everything was at the front door so her husband could load their cars. She was having a little bit of anxiety with all the boxes everywhere in their house because they were getting ready to move in a few days.

They found a house that they all approved of. It was still in the same school district for the boys. It has 5 bedrooms, a home office that she probably was going to turn into another bedroom, a pool, and a nice size yard. It was absolutely stunning

Miranda turned around hearing little feet padder. She knew everyone was still sleep because it was only just hitting 6 am.

"Good morning, did you sleep good?" She asked the sleepy toddler.

"Mmhm." Pru nodded and crawled onto her lap.

"You know what today is?" Miranda asked kissing her head.

"My birthday." She cheesed.

"Yes, you are so smart. Happy Birthday sweetie."

"Happy birthday to me."

"How old are you?"

"3." She said holding up the fingers.

Pru did what she normally does and laid her head against Miranda's stomach while stretching out. The two sung ABC's and listed out farm animals. Miranda felt the baby kick so strongly it was almost painful.

Pru looked up at Miranda quickly with a bewildered expression and she couldn't help but laugh.

"It’s just the baby, she says hello." Miranda tried to explain. It was harder trying to explain that a baby was in there. She wanted to know which doll baby was inside Elsa or Moana.

Pru put her hands on her stomach and stared to see if she would do it again.

"No." Pru said pointing her finger and talking to her stomach.

Miranda couldn't help but to laugh again.

"She's sorry." Miranda giggled. Pru sat up and moved to lay on Miranda's chest.

"Good morning." Ben yawned leaning down to kiss his wife's lips.

"Good morning baby." Miranda mumbled against his lips.

"Morning." Pru said pushing their faces apart.

Ben quickly scooped her up and threw her in the air. She laughed loudly as he tiggled her.

"Happy birthday." Ben shouted kissing her head. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Bacon, eggs, waffles, sausage links, grits, and fried potatoes." Miranda said quickly licking her lips.

"I was talking to the birthday girl." He laughed.

"Oh really, I figured you would be talking to your pregnant wife." She said rolling her eyes and pursing her lips.

"Princess Pru what's for breakfast?"

"Strawberries, apples, and..... Olaf waffles."

Miranda scrunched her face up. She wanted real waffles not eggo’s

"I'll make you real ones Miranda."

"Well aren't you sweet? I'm going to take a bath while you do that."

Miranda took a bath and Ben sat Pru in her high chair and they sung together as he cooked.

Eventually the dining room was filled with the family of 5 and a half and they all talked and ate. "Oh baby Pru's grandparents are coming by at 11:30 to pick up Pru for a little while until the party." Miranda informed.

After breakfast Miranda bathed Pru and lotion her down before dressing her. She had a pink tutu dress that had 3D butterflies on it.

She sat her between her legs and parted her hair. She gelled the top into a ponytail and left her back down curly, running her fingers though it with products. She did her edges which took her a lot of practice for the past few months to get right.

When the Miller's arrive Miranda greeted Ifeya and handed her Pru's bag.

"Bye bye honey. See you later." Miranda said shutting the door.

Miranda quickly got dress and followed Ben to the fire station. They began to setup and the team that was on shift would help anyway they could. She look discreetly around the room to see if anybody was watching her. She look towards the ladder and back around the room again. As soon as her hand touched it, she heard the loud voice of her husband.

"Miranda don't even try it." Ben said as his voice echoed throughout the room

"Well hang this." She snapped clicking her teeth.

"You need to sit down and let us do it."

"I want to help and decorate how I want to. You men can't see the vision I have."

"Do what you do best. Instruct."

Miranda rolled her eyes and told them where to put stuff at.

The room was coming together nicely and they were almost done. She was tired of constantly having to stop because they had to go on calls.

So she called Schmitt and Helm. The two that she deemed with the most sense. They were both happy to help and came fairly quickly, all surprise that their Chief was pregnant.

Miranda put the pink, or white with glitter tablecloths on the 12 round tables and Schmitt came behind her putting the runner and centerpieces. She had four different ones. A stuffed unicorn with a flower vase, a number 3 with Pruitt in cursive with a fairy wand, a mermaid tail, and a rainbow.

Miranda turned her head to the center of the room where the cake was going to be and saw helm on a ladder. She did the balloon arch and fixed the background with a huge standing 3 and PRU in balloons.

"Taryn that looks so good. You are talented." She gushed.

Helm looked surprised. Her chief was nice, but never this nice and she used her first name. "Thank you chief. I'm going to go do the balloon arch for the back drop to take photos.

"Okay take that huge mermaid and unicorn balloon for that one."

She nodded and walked over putting it together.

Schmitt put up the gift table, and then another table for party favors. Miranda bought sequins swipe pillows and book bags with unicorns or fairies for the girls, fire breathing dragon book bags for the boys and also candy bags.

When they were finally finished they all stood back and looked at their work. It was beautiful. The only thing they were waiting on was the food and for Ben to come back with the cake.

"Thank you both so much for helping me today. You both are welcome to stay for the party there is going to be plenty of food." Miranda said as her eyes watered.

"Thanks chief."

"You can call me Bailey outside of work. The bathrooms are over there and there is a tv room upstairs. First door on the right, before the kitchen."

Miranda made her way up the stairs and walked to the refrigerator. She desperately needed a snack preferably pickles and pepperonis. She grabbed the jar of pickles happily and scanned to see if they had sandwich meat.  She smiled victoriously when she saw pepperoni and salami.

She grabbed a plate and wrapped pepperoni around the pickles before stuffing them in her mouth.

"Mmmm." She moaned happily.

"Wow I think I might be offended." Ben said walking into the kitchen. He knew he could always find her near food.

"Don't be. These are different pleasure moans. I always reserve my best for you."

"Is that so?" He asked wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Yes sir." She giggled finishing her snack.

"The cake is really beautiful babe." Ben told her.

"Aww really. I can't wait to see. I wonder when the caterer is getting here because I’m starving." Miranda whined. "I need to sample everything."

"She is setting up now." He chuckled. "The room looks amazing as well."

"Schmitt and Helm helped. I think I might ask them to help me with Joey's graduation party. Helm is really good at designing and decorating."

"That would be great. So you don't have to do as much."

"Go in your wallet and give them some cash for helping me today."

Ben nodded and grabbed his wallet. "How much?"

"A hundred each."

Ben pulled out the bills and walked into the tv room. He handed them the money and thanked them for helping his wife. They immediately refused it, but he insisted.

He held Miranda's hand as they walked down the stairs.

"I don't know if I told you, but you look sexy in this dress and the color." He whispered in her ear. Looking at her in the mint green bodycon dress, that she paired with brown wedge slip on sandals.

"Thank you honey. I feel exposed. Nobody knows I’m pregnant despite this huge belly because when I’m at work I wear bigger scrubs, but today they are all going to know. This dress clings to me like a second skin."

"Maybe that's why I like it so much." He grinned touching her behind.

"You're crazy." Miranda laughed as he helped her down from the last step.

"I think it's going to be fine. I mean we know there is going to be so many questions and congratulations, but nothing we can't handle."

Miranda nodded before looking at the time on the clock behind his head.

"The party starts in 15 minutes. Where are the Miller's with my baby?" She asked blowing out a breath.

"Do you want me to call them?" Ben asked walking behind her and placing his big hands on her stomach.

"Not yet. I'm trusting they will be on time."

They looked up as the bell rung signaling the door opening. Miranda smiled as Maya, Carina, Andy, and Vic walked in with gifts."

All of their eyes shifted to Ben's hands on her protruding belly.

"Oh my goodness, congratulations you two." Andy spoke first hugging them.

"Thank you." Miranda and Ben said simultaneously.

"Why didn't you say anything Warren?" Vic chastised.

"Because it's my wife and I's private business."

"I told him I wanted to keep it private reckon what happened last time."

"Can I ask whether we know the sex or not?" Maya asked and Carina smiled.

"You knew?" Maya gasped.

"Of course I did. I'm the obgyn." Carina laughed.

"It's a girl." Miranda smiled and everyone cheered.

"Well what is going on here? I think we are late to the party." Travis said coming in with Emmett. He looked down at Miranda's stomach and his eyes widened.

"A firehouse baby?" He yelled sounding like Dean causing everyone to smile and cheer again.

"Congratulations on your--" Travis started

"On my what?" Miranda said firmly cutting him off remembering what he said last time.

"I was going to say blessing." He said quickly.

"Oh, thank you." She smiled lightly. "You guys can go inside. The gift table is on the left."

"This is beautiful Bailey." Andy grinned looking around.

"Thanks." Miranda said proudly.

"It looks amazing."

Miranda walked to the cake table and glanced at the cake. It was three tiered. The bottom tiered had the mermaid scale tail design with Pru 3 in fondant. The second tier was fairies, and the top was a unicorn.

She looked at all the cupcakes and treats.

"I don't remember picking all this." Ben teased looking at all the desserts. His wife had everything you could think of including cotton candy containers with little oyster that had pearls in the mouth.

"Some of this was included." She lied.

He grabbed a chocolate covered Oreo and put it to his mouth.

"Benjamin." Miranda chastised.

"What?" He asked confused.

"You're making it uneven."

"They are going to get eaten anyway."

"Let me take a picture of the table first."

"I got it." Ben said pulling out his phone.

Miranda looked up as The Miller's came in and Bill was holding Pru. When Pru eyes landed on her she wiggled to get down from his arms.

Bill let her down and she ran to Miranda who was bent down to embrace her.

"Hi Baby girl." Miranda smiled picking her up. "Did you have fun with grandma and granddad?"

"Yes. I have a new doll house."

"You do what color is it." She asked enthusiastically.

"Pink and purple." Pru smiled.


"Cupcake." She said reaching for it behind Miranda.

"You like them?.... you see your name." Miranda pointed to the balloon letters and she nodded.

She set the heavy toddler on her feet and she walked off too Vic and Andy.

The party got started and everyone was having a good time playing the games with the kids. The 19 family were comical and kept the children entertained as the played they games too.

Miranda walked well waddled around receiving so many congratulations from her work family. Meredith, Amelia, Jo, link, Teddy and Owen.

She was surprised that Richard came. She extended the invite and he never said whether he was or wasn't.

"Bailey." He smiled hugging her and looking down at her stomach.

"It's a girl."

"Congratulations. I'm happy for you. I know how badly you wanted this."

"Thank you."

"You continue to amaze me." He said seriously and she could only imagine that he was thinking about her pregnancy with Tuck. He thought that she would change, but she mastered being a mother and a kick ass surgeon.

After everyone were full and ready for cupcakes Ben picked Pru up and walked over to his wife who was standing by the cake table. He gave a quick speech per her request thanking everyone for coming and celebrating her birthday. The room broke out in applause and once Miranda lit the 3 candles everyone started singing happy birthday.

The party eventually came to a close and Miranda was thankful for everyone helping to clean up. It took a short hour to be completely done.

Ben loaded both of their cars with all of her gifts.

"I just got to finish the inventory from earlier and I will be home." Ben told Miranda shutting her car door. She quickly rolled the window and poked out her lips.

"See you later." She said tiredly after kissing him twice.

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